Sunday, January 18, 2009

Taking the Jihad Temperature - A Gathering Storm Special Series – INFILTRATION Part 5

If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. If you put it in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will not notice the rise in temperature and will eventually boil. 

The Islamists are boiling our frog and though this blog and hundreds like it record almost daily the rise in the Jihad temperature, unless we see how far and fast the temperature has risen, we will not know how far along our boiling has progressed. 

So, the Gathering Storm will be posting only once a week but these weekly posts will take the Jihadist temperature by looking back at news and events over the last two years. Over the next several weeks in the areas of intimidationinfiltrationdisinformation and thoseappeasers and apologists who either knowingly or unknowingly advance the Jihad agenda, the Gathering Storm will show how far our frog has been boiled. 

By seeing the boiling water around us, we can see how far the boiling has progressed. 

The good news is that we are noticing that the water is getting warmer. There is a glimmer of awareness here - a glimmer of hope there. But we have a long way to go. 

Here’s this week’s look back at the rising Jihad temperature of INFILTRATION !! And remember – this is just a sampling of Jihadist Infiltration. More to follow.

Storm Track Infiltration: Discrimination Against Infidels OK in the UK


I wonder how long and how hard it was for the UK to outlaw institutional discrimination in their country. It took our country a civil war and 100 years of moral indignation that eventually lead to amendments to our Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of the 1960s. Now in service to the rule of multiculturalism, the UK seems it’s perfectly legal to give one sector of their society the power to discriminate against others.

I would be correct in assuming that 50 years ago, if their was a rule against white people swimming with black people, the British citizens would rise up and protest en mass accusing that government run entity of discrimination and bigotry.

Well, times have change sin the UK and discrimination is the order of the day. In this case – non-Muslims swimming with Muslims. The Daily Mail reports:

When Lee Williams saw a parent-and-toddler session advertised at his local pool, he thought it was the perfect chance to teach his young daughter to swim.

Arriving at the leisure centre already in her swimming costume, two-year-old Darby was desperate to get into the water. But she was left in tears when staff said they were not allowed in the pool because the session was for Muslim women and their children only.

Mr Williams, 34, bitterly criticised Manchester City Council yesterday after it admitted that advertising for the session, on its website and on leaflets, had been misleading. 'I can understand why Muslim women need to have this kind of session, but the council should not be advertising it as parent and toddler,' he said. 'They made out I'd got it wrong, but I had checked on the council's website for the times.'

But when they arrived, reception staff told Mr Williams he could not swim with Darby because it was a women-only session and they would have to come back later. Despite his protests that he had specifically checked the time of the session, the staff were insistent. It was only when he telephoned the council to complain that he was told the session had been privately booked for Muslim women.

But this not the first incident of Muslim discrimination in the UK.

The incident is the latest in a series of rows between local authorities and the public over swimming lessons for ethnic minority groups.

In December last year, Croydon Council in South London came under fire for running Muslim-only sessions at one of its leisure centres. Non-Muslim members of Thornton Heath leisure centre were angry that they could not swim during the Muslim-only sessions on Saturdays and Sundays unless they obeyed the strict dress code.

For men, this involved wearing shorts which kept the navel hidden and were extended below the knee, while women bathers had to wear a swimming costume which covered their body from the neck down to the ankle. Similarly, Wolverhampton Council and South Lanarkshire local authority have also been criticised for operating women- only swimming for Muslims.

This is not multicultural accomodation. What we have here is one of the non-violent forms of jihad – in this case institutional jihad - working towards the establishment of Shariah law in non-Muslim lands and they're unaware of their willing decent into dhimmitude.

Hey infidel! Back of the bus for you!

Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Student Associations Gradually Introduce Shria Law

The Institutional jihad continues and the poor little dhimmis in the non-Muslim world haven’t a clue as to what happening to them, their institutions and their society. All you need is to have an Islamic student association on your campus and you let the camel’s nose of Sharia law into the tent.

Here’s another example of the jihads in their bag of stealth tactics. From the Islamic Threat blog.

All you need is a Muslim Student association on your campus and the demands for a change in 'non-Islamic' curriculum starts to appear. This is a lesson that a Canadian university has learned. Muslim Student Associations are implanted in campuses and their aim is to radicalize Muslim students who do not understand Sharia. The larger goal being making Sharia a part of everyday life in the western world. If you look at it in any other way then you are very mistaken.

This from The Gazette, a student campus newspaper in Canada.

A recent decision by Western’s visual arts department has left some Muslim students torn between their love for drawing and painting and their devotion to Islam. After making accommodations for students for several years, the visual arts department added a note to the bottom of nine course descriptions effective Sept. 1, 2005, indicating “some sessions may involve drawing from the nude (female or male) as a required component of the course.” Though the note was added a year and a half ago, some students are just starting to feel its effects and voice their concerns.

And what are the concerns?

One fourth-year Muslim student said until last year, she and some other students were allowed to negotiate alternatives with their professors, including drawing action figures and break-dancers. Not wanting to cause a fuss, she drew a female nude model in her first-year introductory course, but felt uncomfortable and regretted doing it afterwards. She spoke to Western’s Muslim chaplain, Munir El-Kassem, who advised she should not draw nudes as it isn’t permitted by Islam. ……………… El-Kassem said he was unaware of the policy change and would be prepared to formally challenge it. Hassan Ahmad, president of the Muslim Students’ Association, said he and the MSA would like to follow up the matter so Muslim students won’t have to deal with it in the future.

“The university shouldn’t make this black and white,” Ahmad said. “They should accept that they have a variety of people from a variety of different backgrounds. It’s not fair to just say, ‘this is how The West does things.’ You have to be tolerant of others’ traditions, because we have important traditions too.”

Now wait a minute. The university should reduce the value of their art degree (which features classes which can't be passed unless students complete nude drawings) for certain students to accommodate religion? Isn’t that one of the reasons Islamic culture is in such decline? The university degrees in Islamic nations focus primarily on teaching religion than on teaching facts or even preparing them for the 21st century employment challenges.

And now Canada has to give students a less that stellar education to accommodate – or more to the point – implement Sharia law?

This is not multicultural accommodation. What we have here is one of the non-violent forms of jihad – in this case institutional jihad - working towards the establishment of Shariah law in non-Muslim lands and they're unaware of their willing decent into dhimmitude.

I’m going to continue to drive this concept home and prove that violent jihad, otherwise known as terrorism or the misnamed ‘war on terror’, is but one piece of a comprehensive strategy to install the objective of the terrorists – Sharia law - using the non-violent jihads of media, institution, demographic, cultural, economic, litigation, criminal and thuggery jihad.

Storm Track Infiltration: Degree Granting Jihad U Right Here In The USA

FrontPage Magazine has an excellent article on the Al-Maghrib Institute and it’s goal of teaching Wahhabi extremism and Muslim Brotherhood activism into mosques and Muslim student groups throughout North America in at least thirteen cities.

The article is rather long but here are the most important highlights.

The staple of Al-Maghrib's course offerings are the double weekend seminars held at their permanent sites. In addition, the Al-Maghrib instructors are in high demand as motivational speakers at Muslim organization events all over the world. The Institute is also active amongst the 150 chapters of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) located at universities all over the US and Canada.

Did you catch that name? The Muslim Student Association. That Muslim student organization keeps coming up when attempts by Islamists are made to infiltration the colleges and curriculums of America. The MSA is one of the front groups operated by the international Muslim Brotherhood. The MSA is tasked with advancing the institutional jihad tactic of the Islamists. Al-Maghrib's Wahhabi-influenced extremism, rabid anti-Semitism and Holocaust denials, and militaristic preaching of jihad even have other Muslims expressing concern about their radicalizing preaching and programs.

But the Muslim Brotherhood influence is not the only troubling aspect to Al-Maghrib’s programs and message. In fact, all six of Al-Maghrib’s instructors have degrees from Saudi institutions controlled by the extremist Wahhabi sect.

Al-Maghrib's educational courses are accredited by the American Open University, which in turn is accredited by Al-Ahzar University in Cairo – the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest and largest radical Islamic organization in the world. The courses offered by Al-Mahgrib count only as course credit for the AOU's Bachelors in Islamic Studies degree, the only English language program offered by AOU.

How nice - an accredited degree in Jihadism.

A review of the course summary for the Islamic Studies degree program shows that the reading is dominated by Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi theologians and theorists. In particular, the AOU program requires reading of Sayyid Qutb's, In the Shade of the Quran, the text for AOU's 113 Analytic Tafseer I course. Qutb, the leading Muslim Brotherhood thinker executed by Nasser in the 1960s after an assassination attempt, has been described as "Bin Laden's Brain" due to the extensive influence Qutb has had in justifying terrorism and jihad and laying down the theoretical principles that al-Qaeda was built upon.

Another Muslim Brotherhood theorist prominent in the curriculum is Sayyid Sabiq, who wrote his book, Fiqh-us-Sunnah, at the request of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna. The two volumes of Sabiq's work are the sole text for AOU's 141 Fiqh of Worship I course. In the majority of AOU's required reading for their Islamic Studies program, which Al-Maghrib offers course credit for, members of the Muslim Brotherhood and those influenced and approved by the Brotherhood figure prominently.

Now get this.

Bilal Phillips is another name that appears repeatedly on AOU's and Al-Maghrib's reading lists. Phillips has recently gained notoriety as one of the radical preachers secretly videotaped as part of the Undercover Mosque investigative program aired last month on England's Channel 4.

After the Undercover Mosque program aired, it was severely attacked by Al-Maghrib instructor Yasir Qadhi, who launched into a 15 minute tirade defending the extremist speakers secretly videotaped by Channel 4 at the beginning of his regular Islami Q&A program on the Islam Channel satellite network. After Qadhi's video defense aired, Bilal Phillips himself followed his friend's lead and also aired a defense on YouTube.

But the concern over Al-Maghrib's teachings extend much further than their Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi influences. Anti-Semitic diatribes and Holocaust denials are regular themes preached by Al-Maghrib's instructors. Institute founder Muhammad Alshareef expressed his thoughts on Muslim-Jewish relations in an article he published entitled, "Why the Jews are Cursed" (curiously, this article is not available on Al-Maghrib's website). As noted by the Militant Islam Monitor , in Alshareef's article he expounds on the anti-Semitic canard that the international media is owned and controlled by Jews, and thus, biased against Muslims:

When I was in high school, studying in journalism class, our teacher had placed on the wall a statement that I spent many days contemplating. It simply said, "Freedom of the press (speech) belongs to those that own the press!" Who owns the press? Well, you can believe me when I say that it is not the god fearing beloved of Allah.

The teaching of aggressive militaristic jihad is also a common theme in Al-Maghrib's courses.

One seminar taught by Muhammad Alshareef is his review of the jihadist exploits and military campaigns of the first four "rightly guided" caliphs, Conquest: History of the Khulafaa'. The militaristic themes for this course are evident in the one minute video trailer for the seminar. The triumphalist vision of Islam as the inevitable sole world power and the justification of militaristic conquests under the banner of jihad are also repeated in the Al-Maghrib course, Islam Invulnerable: The Making of the Modern Muslim World.

The Al-Maghrib Institute is an out and out and visible threat to the security of the US and should be dealt with accordingly.

In the span of just a few short years, the Al-Maghrib Institute has quickly established itself as one of the premiere Islamic instructional programs in North America, as attested to by its 13 mosque-based affiliates and their regular appearances at Muslim Student Association events. Audio and video lecture series, an impressive Internet presence and regular satellite television programs by Al-Maghrib faculty extend their influence even further. Furthermore, the Institute's instructors are in high demand as event speakers for Islamic organizations all over the world.

Al-Maghrib's rapid rise should cause concern, however, as its Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood-inspired messages of religious extremism, racial bigotry and advocacy of jihad and militancy are being spread like cancer in Muslim communities throughout the US and Canada. And this ideological cancer spread by the Al-Maghrib Institute potentially threatens Muslims and non-Muslims alike as its popularity and radicalism continues to increase.

Wake up drive by main stream media. Here’s a conspiracy that beats out anything Anna Nicole Smith's train wreck of a life can bring ya’.

Storm Track Infiltration: Institutional Jihad -'Halal-Only' School Lunches

The infiltration and domination of non-Muslim society continues with another example of Institutional Jihad.

Furious parents staged protests outside a school over its decision to serve up only halal meat at lunchtimes. Staff were forced to call the police after one father strode into the school in North London to challenge the new meals policy. Kingsgate Primary in West Hampstead is among growing numbers of schools with high Muslim populations to use halal-only meat in cooking. But the menus, which will feature only meat that has been slaughtered in the halal way with a single cut to the throat, have not always been well received.

At Kingsgate, parents carrying placards congregated at the school gates to demand a reversal of the policy, claiming their children would be denied a choice.

Choice? There’s no stinkin’ choice in Islam. Submit or die.

But the protests triggered claims of racism from parents of Muslim children, who make up three quarters of the school population.

When is this stupidity going to stop! MUSLIMS ARE NOT A RACE!!! When will our media, political leaders, institutions and organizations give a hearty ‘horse laugh’ and humiliate the fools who utter such nonsense?

Yesterday headmistress Liz Hayward was refusing to back down, insisting that a majority of parents had backed the move to halal-only menus in a comprehensive survey of families. But protesting parents accused her of forcing their children to conform to "someone else's culture".

Can you believe the bold-faced arrogance! So non-Muslims should conform to their culture? Why is this not a surprise? It’s the plan of the Islamists all along and our dhimmi society is playing right into their hands. Where do these people get this idea from? Oh, I forgot – multiculturalism – but only their culture counts.

However one Muslim parent, Solveig Francis, accused the protesters of "naked racism", adding: "It's got nothing to do with choice.”When you listen to what they say about English culture being imposed upon and so on, it really does give it away. "They talk about keeping up English values - but the most important value we have is democracy. It's about time that was upheld."

Democracy fails when a minority works against the betterment of the majority. And that’s what those Muslim parents want to do. And the English values Britain holds are the same in any democratic western nation - the Judeo-Christian values. And it’s about time we start defending them.

Mother Jacqueline Gomm said: "I sent my kids to this school because I don't want them to be affected by religion.”We can't force our culture on someone else because that's not right so we shouldn't have someone else's culture forced on us. "The little culture that we have is being lost. I don't know any other country that would do the same." She added: "I totally deny being guilty of racism.”We allow people to come into this country and we end up being in a minority. "We accommodate other cultures at the expense of ours."

I couldn’t say it any better. And these kinds of antic by Shariah loving Muslims will turn on them and bode an ill wind for both them and Europe itself. For there is a more dangerous element developing here.

Staff at Kingsgate were forced to take phones off the hook after abusive callers claimed to be from the British National Party…………"But the sad thing is many people will turn to them because they feel there is no other choice."

Take your pick Europe – Islmo-fascism or neo-fascism. Either way, you lose.

Storm Track Infiltration: The Muslim Manifesto

The latest institutional jihad of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), who has issued new guidelines for the treatment of Islamic children in state schools, is not the first blatant attempt at dimmifying Britain.

The British, part of the European Union, should have paid heed in 1990 when “The Muslim Manifesto: A Strategy for Survival” was promulgated to create the Council of British Muslims to act as “a Muslim parliament”.


You can see the entire manifesto here. Here are some excerpts.

Britain’s Muslim Manifesto made it clear that “Political and cultural subservience goes against their grain” because “at its inception Islam created a political platform from which Muslims were to launch themselves on a global role as founders of great states, empires and a world civilization and culture.”

According to the UK’s Muslim Manifesto, “The fact is that a Muslim woman cannot be a western woman.” The problem for Muslims in Great Britain was that “There are laws on the British Statute Book that are in direct conflict with the laws of Allah.”

“We are Muslims first and last.”

“Jihad is a basic requirement of Islam and living in Britain or having British nationality by birth or naturalization does not absolve the Muslim from his or her duty to participate in jihad: this participation can be active service in armed struggle abroad and/or the provision of material and moral support to those engaged in such struggle anywhere in the world.”

“Islam is our guide in all situations.”

The power of this manifesto became clear when on July 7, 2005, born-and-bred Muslim British citizens killed their own British neighbors in London’s subways and buses.

Assimilation, according to the Manifesto, wasn’t even an option. Why need it be? By the early 1990s, there were already about 1,000 mosques in Great Britain, many of them former Anglican churches that had been abandoned and sold to Muslims. As is the case of France today, the Manifesto recommended that “The Muslim community may have to define ‘no go’ areas where the exercise of ‘freedom of speech’ against Islam will not be tolerated.”

Remember, this manifesto was written back in 1990. Did they plan their work? Yes. Are they working their plan? Ditto.

The next time you want to mock the “fundamentalist” Christians, famed for their patriotism, think again.

The next time you shrug when you hear your local school system has banned the playing or singing of Christmas carols, think again.

The next time you are inclined to say or think unkind things about American or Israeli Jews, think again.

The next time your neighborhood, community or city yields to some new Islamic demand to conform to their “religious” rules, think again.

The next time you read demands that something not be published or aired in America because it offends Muslim sensibilities, think again.

The next time anyone tells you that Islam preaches tolerance or peace, think again.

This is how nations and ultimately western civilization will quietly pass in a whimper of voluntary dhimmitude and not in a bang of resistance.

Storm Track Infiltration: European Multiculturalism in Disarray Over Islam

“Islam is a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.” - Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

SperoNews recently ran an article entitled “Islam challenges Europe view religion is private.” Poor little Europe. It seems one their cherished politically correct tenets have been gored by a culture that refuses to play their ‘Kumbaya’ multiculturalist game.

The growth of Islam in Europe is challenging deeply-held notions that faith is a private matter which should be banished from public life, a prominent sociologist of religion has told a gathering of European Christian leaders. "We ignore the presence of Islam at our peril," Professor Grace Davie of the University of Exeter in Britain told leaders from Europe's main Christian traditions at a 15-18 February meeting in Wittenberg in Germany. "This is a catalyst for a much more profound change in the religious landscape of Europe."

Perhaps, the ‘Defenders of the Faith’ are awaking to the threat to Europe’s laissez fair’s approach to religion.

"The presence of Islam is a catalyst that has reopened issues that Europeans thought were closed," Davie said on 16 February. "You cannot privatise Islam. We have seen that."

Absolutely correct! Islam is not just a religion but a comprehensive way of living that reaches deep into every knick and cranny of societal life.


The notion that religion should be banished from public life - and particularly from the state and from the education system - was widespread in Europe, Davie noted. But in part due to the presence of Islam, religion was increasingly likely to penetrate the public sphere in Europe, a tendency being encouraged by the ever more obvious presence of religion in the modern global order.

Not just a religion Ms. Davie. Islam is a full ideology and its penetration seeks to change the Judeo-Christian culture of the last 2000 years.

Now back to the disease of multiculturalism. As I said before, the Islamists and the Muslims that support them in the non-Muslim world refuse to play the multicultural balkanization game. Celebrating the wonders of diversity is not in the Islamist playbook. They’re objective is to dominate not assimilate refusing to accept the values of their host country – whether born there or not.

The doctrine of multi-culturalism has alienated an entire generation of young Muslims and made them increasingly radical, a report has found. In stark contrast with their parents, growing numbers sympathise with extreme teachings of Islam, with almost four in ten wanting to live under Sharia law in Britain. The study identifies significant support for wearing the veil in public, Islamic schools and even punishment by death for Muslims who convert to another religion.

Most alarmingly, 13 per cent of young Muslims said they "admired" organisations such as Al Qaeda which are prepared to "fight the West".

The poll exposes a fracture between the attitudes of Muslims aged 16 to 24, most of whom were born in Britain, and those of their parents’ generation, who are more likely to have been immigrants.

Even the leftist socialist Ministers are having second thoughts.

A series of Labour ministers have broken recently with the idea that different communities should not be forced to integrate but should be allowed to maintain their own culture and identities.

Trevor Phillips, head of the Commission for Racial Equality, and Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, have also expressed serious doubts about multi-culturalism.

Academic Munira Mirza, lead author of the report, said: "The emergence of a strong Muslim identity in Britain is, in part, a result of multi-cultural policies implemented since the 1980s which have emphasised difference at the expense of shared national identity and divided people along ethnic, religious and cultural lines."

What a surprise. Dived the nation into little balkanized cultural states and then wonder why the youth feel more obligated to their minority culture than the nation as a whole. That’s not surprising, really. With the implementation of the European Union, the EU Ministers have tried their best to subjugate the nationalism of the European countries and make them submit to a Union run by a handful of beaucratic elitist Ministers.

Here’s more bad news from the survey.

While only 17 per cent of over-55s said they would prefer to live under Sharia law, that increased to 37 per cent of those aged 16 to 24.

The poll found that just 19 per cent of Muslims over 55 would prefer to send their children to Islamic state schools. That increased to 37 per cent of those aged 16 to 24.

If a Muslim converts to another religion, 36 per cent of 16-to-24-year-olds thought this should be punished by death, compared with 19 per cent of 55s and over.

According to the poll, 74 per cent of those aged 16 to 24 prefer Muslim women to wear the veil, compared with only 28 per cent of over 55s.

And just over a quarter – 28 per cent – believed that authorities in Britain had gone "over the top" in trying not to offend Muslims.

We must prevent the ideology of Islamism from penetrating our society. If not, ours could well vanish from history.

Those are examples of the rising Jihad temperature of for this week. When seen in groups like this, the slow boil becomes obvious.

Next week another look back at the rising Jihad temperature of Islamist DISINFORMATION!!

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