Monday, November 24, 2008

Taking the Jihad Temperature - A Gathering Storm Special Series – INFILTRATION Part 3

If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. If you put it in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will not notice the rise in temperature and will eventually boil. 

The Islamists are boiling our frog and though this blog and hundreds like it record almost daily the rise in the Jihad temperature, unless we see how far and fast the temperature has risen, we will not know how far along our boiling has progressed. 

So, the Gathering Storm will be posting only once a week but these weekly posts will take the Jihadist temperature by looking back at news and events over the last two years. Over the next several weeks in the areas of intimidationinfiltrationdisinformation and thoseappeasers and apologists who either knowingly or unknowingly advance the Jihad agenda, the Gathering Storm will show how far our frog has been boiled. 

By seeing the boiling water around us, we can see how far the boiling has progressed. 

The good news is that we are noticing that the water is getting warmer. There is a glimmer of awareness here - a glimmer of hope there. But we have a long way to go. 

Here’s this week’s look back at the rising Jihad temperature of INFILTRATION !! And remember – this is just a sampling of Jihadist Infiltration. More to follow.

The Education Jihad

Following is the HS Today (Homeland Security Today Journal) cover story "Jihad Versus Education." An analysis of the impact of Jihadi influence and ideology on US Education and recommendations to the US Government, executive branch and Congress. Posted on Walid Phares and FDD web sites. The piece argue that for the past two decades the American educational system has been targeted and impacted by Oil producing regimes leading to a derailing of the national security analysis. The article underlines the fact that by reaching the classrooms, Wahabi and Khumeinist influence was affecting the newsrooms.

Here are some important excerpts of the Phares article.


One of the major results of the 1973 oil crisis was the rise of a determination by many oil producing regimes that the West, in general, and the United States, in particular, “understand” the greater Middle East, the Arab and the Muslim world and, accordingly, design its policies toward those regimes and ideologies on the basis of this “understanding”.


There’s that need to ‘understand’ why our enemy doesn’t like us.

As a result, millions of dollars were invested in American and European educational institutions as a way to “foster” this understanding. But instead of fostering an objective understanding or spreading impartial knowledge, the growing influence of Wahabism, an extreme form of Islam, and other such ideologies on the nation’s campuses played a dangerous role: Because of the ideological nature of the donors, the financed programs followed the guidelines of the donor regimes and organizations, which obviously narrowed research and teaching to issues remote from the major historical crisis in the region, other than the modern Arab-Israeli conflict. It removed all serious attention to the rise of Islamism, jihadism and even Baathism, as well as the deep ethnic and religious conflicts and the mass abuse of human rights in that part of the world.

The apologists like John Esposito and Bernard Lewis at work.

A careful review of curricula and research projects established within the US educational system, both public and private, since the 1980s stunningly reveals that American classrooms were deprived of knowledge on social, historical, ethnic and ideological movements rising to challenge the United States. Moreover, as I taught comparative studies for over a decade and lectured on many campuses in the 1990s, I came to realize that defense, strategic and security studies were heavily influenced by “regional” studies when it came to identifying the backgrounds of international terrorist movements emerging from the greater Middle East and penetrating western societies. History and Middle Eastern studies had been corrupted by Wahabi and other funding with an impact on political science, international relations and, ultimately, defense and security studies across the land.

A thorough review of the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, the Middle East Studies Association of America, the International Studies Association, the Middle East Institute and other professional education associations, of the hundreds of books, publications, articles, talks and research grants distributed by Ivy League universities and other colleges lead to only one conclusion: The gap is immense. There are no traces of the roots of jihadism and its long-term objectives against democracies and the United States. Instead, prominent scholars produced an enormous amount of literature precisely deflecting scholars and students away from the most serious issues related to American defense and security after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The “hole” was so vast and the “deflection” (not to use the term “deception”) so wide that a systemic problem strode the field producing waves of effects into the professional worlds of the media and policy. An academic lobotomy led to an incapacitation of the public learning process about the national security threat and created a cultural crisis in perception. In short, if one isn’t taught about the political thinking of the enemy and his ideological objectives in the classroom, where else would one catch up?

Those who spread the doctrine of jihadism in America during the 1990s had no counter check from the public or government, while even a minimal manifestation of Nazism, anti- Semitism or domestic violent racism was quickly countered. Clearly, Americans never lacked for imagination, but they were deprived of the necessary information.

If intellectual blurring starts in classrooms, it soon reaches the newsrooms and, eventually, the intelligence rooms and war rooms. If young Americans are mistaught the ideology, political culture and intentions of the enemy while at school and in college, once graduated, they will carry this misperception with them as they find jobs and are recruited in all the layers of national analysis. Students enter the media, legislative research, security, intelligence, foreign policy, justice, think tanks and other sectors crucial for national decision making at the bottom levels and rise up to the ultimate positions. By failing students in the classrooms, the educational system caused a national analysis failure: Media failed to report terrorism as it should have, impacting government’s various levels of policymaking; intelligence analysis, deprived of cultural understanding, saw the data but couldn’t put the bigger picture together; courts couldn’t process the concepts of terrorism beyond criminality; and, ultimately, both the legislative and executive branches were denied sound advice on the war already in progress against the country.

In conclusion, the failure in education led to a derailment of national analysis.

So what about today? How deep does the rabbit hole go?

In an article by Gordon Thomas in the G2 Bulletin, he writes that leading UK universities are seriously infiltrated by jihadists.

MI5 has established that four of Britain's leading universities have been "seriously infiltrated" by al-Qaida recruiters. Another 15 campuses are under urgent investigation by the security services. Eliza Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5, has publicly spoken of a "highly dangerous network that is designed to attract more and more students into al-Qaida." Her claim is the first official indication of how far the terror organisation has penetrated British campuses that will produce the next generation of scientists and economists. "


Both professions have long been targets for al-Qaida.

Among the four universities already identified by MI5 are London University and Brunel University in the western suburbs of the city, Manchester Metropolitan University and Sheffield University. Between them they graduate a steady stream of chemists, biologists and economists. One of the graduates was Dhiren Barot, the most senior al-Qaida plotter to be captured in Britain. Barot, 34, a Hindu convert to Islam, was sentenced last week to serve 40 years in jail after he pleaded guilty to planning terrorist attacks, which the prosecution said "would have created carnage, bloodshed and butchers in Britain and America." It emerged during the trial that Barot had used his Brunel student card to travel to America and film targets.


So how can al-Qaida recruiters openly do the recruiting?


MI5 increasingly believes al-Qaida recruiters are bypassing campus bans on groups with radical links by presenting themselves as "ordinary Muslims. They are also operating behind the names of harmless sounding societies like 'The Search For Truth' and 'To Better Understand The Prophet,'" said an MI5 officer.

MI5 is mot without resources, though.

Working with the security services are small teams of security cleared Muslim imams known as "the trouble shooters." Their task is to go to campuses and tackle indoctrination head on. One of the trouble shooters is Sheik Musa Admani, a Muslim chaplain at London Metropolitan University. "We are dealing at campus level with highly skilled recruiters who are filled with hatred. Hatred of the white man, and America and Britain in particular," he says.


Meanwhile, back in the United States, Michelle Malkin reported in November that Jihad sympathizers are running amok in Australia.

A SIMULATION exercise in which Year 11 students played Arabs and Israelis has been dropped by NSW schools after parents complained it was creating racial tension and painted terrorists in a sympathetic light. An inquiry by a senior Education Department officer found the simulation exercise, devised by Macquarie University's centre for Middle Eastern studies, risked creating disharmony in schools and the community and that there was a "significant risk" of harm to the "welfare and wellbeing of students from particular minorities".

Documents given to The Australian show the inquiry was prompted by complaints from parents that background notes presented to the students gave positive descriptions of groups such as Hamas's Qassam Brigades and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Students were not told the groups are listed terrorist organisations and support for them is an offence under Australian law. The profile of Hezbollah accurately said that its long-term aims were to rid Palestine of the Jewish population and create an Arab state but no mention was made of its terrorist activities, only philanthropic ones.

A profile of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was presented without mention of his sponsorship of international terrorism. Rather, his goal was listed as trying "to bring the internet to Syria".

H.G. Wells wrote nearly 50 years ago that "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."

As far as the true knowledge of Islam is concerned, education is losing.

A Trojan Horse for Terror in America?

“Tablighi Jamaat missionaries may be encouraging African American recruits to break the law. Harkat ul-Mujahideen has boasted of training dozens of African American jihadists in its military camps. There is evidence that African American jihadists have died in both Afghanistan and Kashmir.”

A little known religious group is training American jihadists under the guise of a missionary organization. They are called Tablighi Jamaat – the "Proselytizing Group". The group remains largely unknown outside the Muslim community, even to many scholars of Islam. This is no coincidence. Tablighi Jamaat officials work to remain outside of both media and governmental notice.


They are trained missionaries who have dedicated much of their lives to spreading Islam across the globe. The largest group of religious proselytizers of any faith, they are part of the reason for the explosive growth of Islamic religious fervor and conversion. Tablighi Jamaat neither has formal organizational structure nor does it publish details about the scope of its activities, its membership, or its finances. By eschewing open discussion of politics and portraying itself only as a pietistic movement, Tablighi Jamaat works to project a non-threatening image. Because of the movement's secrecy, scholars often have no choice but to rely on explanations from Tablighi Jamaat acolytes.

So what’s this to America? Some important points to consider according to the article.

  • The movement's rapid penetration into non-Muslim regions began in the 1970s and coincides with the establishment of a synergistic relationship between Saudi Wahhabis and South Asian Deobandis. While Wahhabis are dismissive of other Islamic schools, they single out Tablighi Jamaat for praise, even if they disagree with some of its practices, such as willingness to pray in mosques housing graves.

  • While Tablighi Jamaat in theory requires its missionaries to cover their own expenses during their trips, in practice, Saudi money subsidizes transportation costs for thousands of poor missionaries. While Tablighi Jamaat's financial activities are shrouded in secrecy, there is no doubt that some of the vast sums spent by Saudi organizations such as the World Muslim League on proselytism benefit Tablighi Jamaat.

What we have here is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The West's misreading of Tablighi Jamaat actions and motives has serious implications for the war on terrorism. Tablighi Jamaat has always adopted an extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam, but in the past two decades, it has radicalized to the point where it is now a driving force of Islamic extremism and a major recruiting agency for terrorist causes worldwide. For a majority of young Muslim extremists, joining Tablighi Jamaat is the first step on the road to extremism. Perhaps 80 percent of the Islamist extremists in France come from Tablighi ranks, prompting French intelligence officers to call Tablighi Jamaat the "antechamber of fundamentalism."

U.S. counterterrorism officials are increasingly adopting the same attitude. "We have a significant presence of Tablighi Jamaat in the United States," the deputy chief of the FBI's international terrorism section said in 2003, "and we have found that Al-Qaeda used them for recruiting now and in the past.

The American connection.

Within the United States, the cases of American Taliban John Lindh, the "Lackawanna Six," and the Oregon cell that conspired to bomb a synagogue and sought to link up with Al-Qaeda, all involve Tablighi missionaries. Other indicted terrorists, such as "shoe bomber" Richard Reid, "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla, and Lyman Harris, who sought to bomb the Brooklyn Bridge, were all members of Tablighi Jamaat at one time or another.

Tablighi Jamaat has appealed to African American Muslims for other reasons. Founded by Elijah Mohammed in the early 1930s, the Nation of Islam was essentially a charismatic African American separatist organization which had little to do with normative Islam. Many Nation of Islam members found attractive both the Tablighi Jamaat's anti-state separatist message and its description of American society as racist, decadent, and oppressive. Seeing such fertile ground, Tablighi and Wahhabi missionaries targeted the African American community with great success. One Tablighi sympathizer explained:

“The umma [Muslim community] must remember that winning over the black Muslims is not only a religious obligation but also a selfish necessity. The votes of the black Muslims can give the immigrant Muslims the political clout they need at every stage to protect their vital interests. Likewise, outside Muslim states like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Pakistan need to mobilize their effort, money, and missionary skills to expand and consolidate the black Muslim community in the USA, not only for religious reasons, but also as a farsighted investment in the black Muslims' immense potential as a credible lobby for Muslim causes, such as Palestine, Bosnia, or Kashmir-offsetting, at least partially, the venal influence of the powerful India-Israel lobby.”

Finally, the article delivers the payoff. What many of the anti-jihadist bloggers and web sites have been saying for some time now.

Pakistani and Saudi support for Tablighi Jamaat is incompatible with their claims to be key allies in the war on terror. While law enforcement focuses attention on Osama bin Laden, the war on terrorism cannot be won unless al-Qaeda terrorists are understood to be the products of Islamist ideology preached by groups like Tablighi Jamaat. If the West chooses to turn a blind eye to the problem, Tablighi involvement in future terrorist activities at home and abroad is not a matter of conjecture; it is a certainty.

Islamic Perversion & European Diversity

What do the sayings of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the results of diversity in Europe have in common? If you’re a raging pervert – quite a bit.

The Tahrirolvasyleh is one of Khomeini's major works and is studied in detail by the Akhoonds. (An akhoond is a Persian name for a Muslim cleric, common in Iran and Azerbaijan.). The Tahrirolvasyleh was written in Arabic, making it inaccessible to most Iranians. Tahrirolvasyleh is an Iranicised version of its Arabic title 'Tahrir al Wasilah', Khomeini's ramblings on fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). It comes in two volumes and was written by Khomeini whilst he was in Turkey.

Some excerpts from that is relevant to what follows.

  • A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable.
  • A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm.
  • If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned.
  • Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not.
  • If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.
  • During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

Now here’s what you get when you worship the god of multiculturalism and diversity in Europe.


Members of a fringe political party in the Netherlands, who recently won a court case allowing them to field candidates for seats in the Dutch Parliament, believe it should be permissible for adults to have sex with children. Norbert DeJonge, secretary of the political party PNVD, a Dutch acronym that translates into "brotherly love, freedom and diversity," told Cybercast News Service that there is nothing wrong with pedophilia or bestiality, the latter of which is legal in the Netherlands, as long as the child or the animal involved, demonstrate consent.

There’s that word diversity. Can an animal demonstrate consent? Follow this warped ‘progressive’ thinking.

"Let's take a child that isn't able to speak. Just like an animal -- even a baby is able to smile or to cry when it respectively doesn't like something or does like something," DeJonge said. "So the question is not whether an animal or a child can show its resent[ment] or give its consent. The question is whether the adult will notice the expression of the animal or the child and what its feelings are."

And the PNVD party is serious.

They are currently lobbying to change Dutch law that would lower the age for children to grant sexual consent from 16 to 12. The party would eventually like to see all age of consent laws eliminated. And the Hague District Court recently refused to ban the party from the country's Nov. 22 elections, stating that it is "the right of the voter to judge the appeal of political parties," according to the Associated Press.

Right – morals and ethics be dammed.

The PNVD party platform states that children should be able to "make their own decisions," regarding sex and that the laws preventing sexual activity are useless. "There are other laws in our country that already state that it is not allowed for people to force themselves upon children or adults." said DeJonge. "So we don't need the current laws that specify an age of consent. There are other laws that can already be used to take on the problematic contacts that [exist] ... It's not like the people who really abuse children ... care about the law."

The madness of diversity goes even further.

The party also argues for the private possession of child pornography; the right of children to smoke drink and vote at the age of 12, to use "soft" drugs like marijuana at 12 and "hard drugs" like cocaine and heroin at 16. Party members feel this is consistent with their platform that states "people should have as much freedom as possible as long as they don't harm others." DeJonge, who serves as PNVD secretary, also asserted that since sex can only be learned through experience it is best for an adult to teach a child how to have sex. "Sex is not something you learn by reading a book or by looking at pornography. Sex is something you learn by doing it ... If they choose to engage in this contact with an older person then this may be the best for them."

Quo Vadis, America?

Pre-Incident Indicators of Terrorism?

A recent upsurge in of similar incidents might indicate terrorist plans said Investigators from the Northeast Intelligence Network.

Similar reports from airport personnel across the United States might suggest pre-operational terrorist-related activities are in progress at airports. During the late afternoon hours on Thursday, 4 January 2007, a United Airlines service vehicle was stolen from Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Because of its markings and intended use, the vehicle would have access to secured areas of the airport. Later that day, personnel at a different airport on the east coast reported "active surveillance" of the airport maintenance area by two men, one who appeared to be Middle Eastern in his appearance. Both incidents follow a separate incident a few weeks ago where the actual surveillance camera system at an airport near Washington, DC was compromised by self-described Islamic "jihadists." One area of that camera system allowed the operators to monitor the activities at the maintenance area of that particular airport.

Terrorists are known to stage tests and these events could be pre-incident indicators of perhaps something larger in the works involving terrorism.

Muslim Clerics Message of Hate

The question is why aren’t Muslims who go to those mosques run that clerics out of town – or at least shun them. Wouldn’t that prove the peaceful and tolerant nature of Islam and show the Islamophobes that they’re wrong?

Muslim worshippers are being urged by radical clerics to ignore British law.

An undercover investigation has revealed disturbing evidence of Islamic extremism at a number of Britain's leading mosques and Muslim institutions, including an organisation praised by the Prime Minister. Secret video footage reveals Muslim preachers exhorting followers to prepare for jihad, to hit girls for not wearing the hijab, and to create a 'state within a state'. Many of the preachers are linked to the Wahhabi strain of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia, which funds a number of Britain's leading Islamic institutions.

Create a 'state within a state'? Is there no understanding in the UK that the Islamists will push for an Islamic takeover of Britain? They make it very clear but no one wants to hear it. Don’t look. Don’t listen. Don’t upset them. They’re not really serious. (Hitler never meant to do what he said. No one’s that’s crazy.)

A forthcoming Channel 4 Dispatches programme paints an alarming picture of how preachers in some of Britain's most moderate mosques are urging followers to reject British laws in favour of those of Islam. Leaders of the mosques have expressed concern at the preachers' activities, saying they were unaware such views were being disseminated.

I’m shocked! Shocked that something like this is happening in mosques.

At the Sparkbrook mosque, run by UK Islamic Mission (UKIM), an organisation that maintains 45 mosques in Britain and which Tony Blair has said 'is extremely valued by the government for its multi-faith and multicultural activities', a preacher is captured on film praising the Taliban. In response to the news that a British Muslim solider was killed fighting the Taliban, the speaker declares: 'The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulders.'

Another speaker says Muslims cannot accept the rule of non-Muslims. 'You cannot accept the rule of the kaffir [non-Muslim],' a preacher, Dr Ijaz Mian, tells a meeting held within the mosque. 'We have to rule ourselves and we have to rule the others.' The 12-month investigation also recorded a deputy headmaster of an Islamic high school in Birmingham telling a conference at the Sparkbrook mosque that he disagrees with using the word democracy. 'They should call it ... kuffrocracy, that's their plan. It's the hidden cancerous aim of these people.'

The TV show will report the spread of hate filled DVDs at local bookstores.

At the Islamic bookstore at Regent's Park Mosque in central London, DVDs of a preacher called Sheikh Yasin are sold. In one DVD, Yasin, who is promoted on the mosque's website, accuses missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups of putting the 'Aids virus' in the medicine of African people, 'which is a conspiracy'.

Here’s the kicker and why we are losing this clash of civilizations.

In a statement the company that runs the bookstore said: 'We sell and supply a wide range of material and we do not necessarily agree with it. It is totally unfair to blame [us] for any of the views expressed in these lectures.'

If we were serious about recognizing the true ideological enemy and mounting a fight to defeat this Islamo-fascist ideology wherever we find it, we would start applying sedition laws and arrest those that support, spread and implement this enemy ideology.

Now, what we have to look forward to if we don’t take this struggle seriously.

Another preacher says: 'The time is fast approaching where the tables are going to turn and the Muslims are going to be in the position of being uppermost in strength and, when that happens, people won't get killed - unjustly.'

Finally, the appeaser whines.

In a statement to Channel 4, Lord Ahmed, the convener of the government's Preventing Extremism taskforce, said he was worried about the programme's consequences: 'While I appreciate that exaggerated opinions make good TV, they do not make for good community relations.'

He can only hope that when the “Muslims are going to be in the position of being uppermost in strength” he’s not killed ‘unjustly.'

Pick a Jihad - Any Jihad

Jihad for the Islamists comes in many forms – all with the objective of advancing the religion of Islam and the submission of non-Muslims to the Islamist’s will. One such Jihad is the Institutional Jihad. Another is the Litigation Jihad and another is the Financial Jihad just to name a few – all of which are a well coordinated deck of cards. You find these cunning animals basking in the light of the institutions of the appeasers and apologists of non-Muslim societies or quietly infiltrating the non-Muslim communities.

One example of Institutional Jihad is CAIR. This pro-jihad organization masquerading as a civil rights group for American Muslims has the continued ear of politicians and academicians in this country. One the one hand they ‘help’ our ‘poorly guided’ politicians and educators understand what Islam is about and how Muslims are being unfairly persecuted in this country and abroad. In reality, their objective is to advance the Islamist agenda in this country through institutional jihad.

Here is just one of a thousand examples. For others, visit the ANTI-CAIR web site for a quick education on this ‘civil rights’ organization. From the Militant Islam Monitor.

The CAIR director of educational affairs and Valencia U education coordnator, Yasmeen Qadri, indoctrinates students using diversity course for da'wa

On the Rate My Professor website one student wrote:"Dr. Qadri is nice, but very focused on teaching about the Muslim religion, not DIVERSE populations... Unless you want to learn everything about Muslims and nothing about anyone else, drop this class and take someone else." Not surpisingly, Qadri is also helped in her efforts by CAIR Tampa director Ahmed Bedier and her husband Kamran Qadri who teaches at Valencia College. The assistent professor is the CAIR director of Educational Affairs and a board member.

Besides trying to force students to intern as teachers at the Muslim Academy of Central Florida where she was a former principal,she teaches them about Islam under the guise of sensitivity training about Muslim students. Qadri and CAIR are also exploiting the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development to push their Islamist agenda.

The institutional jihad also spreads into our communities as the city of Boston is finding discovering. From DAFKA.

SPEAKING AT the State Department in 1999, Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, a Sufi sheik and leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of America, sounded an alarm about Muslim houses of worship in the United States. "The most dangerous thing that is going on now in these mosques . . . is the extremists' ideology," he said. "Because they are very active, they took over the mosques; . . . they took over more than 80 percent of the mosques that have been established in the US." He warned ominously that "a danger might suddenly come that you are not looking for . . . we don't know where it is going to hit."

When Kabbani was condemned by other Muslim organizations, he stood his ground. His assessment of the leadership of US mosques, he said, was based on having visited scores of them, and in a subsequent interview he explained the extremists' pattern of infiltration.

Kabbani's made these charges before 9-11 and didn’t get much attention. After Sept. 11, it became clear to most people other than the government that mosques dominated by radical clerics were a potentially lethal threat because, according to Kabbani, 80% of them are funded by Saudi Arabia, which spends heavily to propagate Wahhabism, a fanatic and aggressive strain of Islam.

It is against this background that the $24 million mosque and cultural center being built by the Islamic Society of Boston has generated such controversy. Questions have been raised about the Islamic Society's past and present leaders, some of whom have supported Islamist terrorism or indulged in virulently anti-American and anti-Semitic rhetoric. There are concerns about the sweetheart deal in which the land for the mosque was acquired from the City of Boston for a fraction of its value. Especially disturbing has been the Islamic Society's response to its diverse critics: a lawsuit accusing them of anti-Muslim conspiracy and libel.

Enter another type of jihad from their deck of jihad cards – the litigation jihad.

That libel, the lawsuit charges, included claims that the "ISB receives funds from Wahhabis and/or Muslim Brotherhood and/or other Saudi/Middle Eastern sources" and that "the ISB Project was supported financially by donors from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states 'with known connections to radical Islamists.' “Given the Saudi role in disseminating jihadist fanaticism, it might indeed be defamatory to falsely accuse the ISB of financial ties to Saudi Arabia.

But such ties are quite real.

According to financial documents supplied to The Boston Globe, major funding for the mosque is being provided by the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In December 2005, two payments of approximately $250,000 each were wired from Jeddah to the Citizens Bank account of the mosque's general contractor in Boston. Messages confirming the payments were faxed from Jeddah to the Islamic Society of Boston on Dec. 19; these refer to the payments as "USA-52" and "USA-53." Other documents suggest that subsequent payments have been made as well.

One more type of jihad used to advance the Islamist agenda of world domination – the financial jihad.

It’s time we recognize when one of these cards are played and respond aggressively by forcing the appeasers and apologist for Islam and multiculturalists by calling their bluff.

Those are examples of the rising Jihad temperature of for this week. When seen in groups like this, the slow boil becomes obvious.

Next week another look back at the rising Jihad temperature of Islamist DISINFORMATION!!

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