Winds of War: Al Qaeda Plan B
If anything proves that we are fighting a global ideology supported by a religion, ignored by our political leadership and not a group of violent criminals, Al Qaeda writings like this proves it.
NO one should feel safe without submitting to Islam, and those who refuse to submit must pay a high price. The Islam ist movement must aim to turn the world into a series of "wildernesses" where only those under jihadi rule enjoy security.
These are some of the ideas developed by al Qaeda's chief theoretician, Sheik Abu-Bakar Naji, in his new book "Governance in the Wilderness" (Edarat al-Wahsh).
Middle East analysts think that the book may indicate a major change of strategy by the disparate groups that use al Qaeda as a brand name.
The Saudi police seized copies of the book last week as they arrested 700 alleged terrorists in overnight raids.
The new strategy proposed by Naji divides the jihadi movement into five circles.
….ranging from Sunni Salafi (traditionalist) Muslims (who, though not personally violent, are prepared to give moral and material support to militants) to Islamist groups with national rather than pan-Islamist agendas (such as the Palestinian Hamas and the Filipino Moro Liberation Front).
All five circles are at an impasse, says Naji. Some accept the status quo while hoping to reform it. Others have tried to set up governments in a world dominated by "infidel" powers, and have been forced to abandon Islamic values. Still others failed because they didn't realize that the only way to win is through total war in which no one feels safe.
Is it becoming clearer? What’s the number of the small minority of Muslims prepared to “give moral and material support to militants”?
In Naji's eyes, it is impossible to create a proper Islamic state in a single country in a world dominated by "Crusaders." He cites as example the Taliban - which, although a proper Islamic regime, didn't survive "infidel" attacks and opposition by Afghan elements.
Instead, he says, the Islamic movement must be global - fighting everywhere, all the time, and on all fronts.
Meanwhile our State Department can’t even bring themselves to utter the word ‘jihad’.
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Sad but true. No one seems to realize the magnitude of what is happening!! Great blog! Keep up the good work!!!
Anonymous, at 5:58 AM
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