Storm Track Infiltration: UK Child Abuse In Islam
Recently, a primeval right of Islam was exercised in the UK that disgusted the authorities and forced them into action.
A devout Muslim ordered two boys to flog themselves until their backs bled during a religious ceremony, a court has heard.
In a British legal first, Syed Mustafa Zaidi went on trial for child cruelty after allegedly making the pair flagellate themselves with a bladed whip, as part of a ritual that is centuries old.
Zaidi, 44, was taking part in the Ashura ceremony, in Manchester, in which Shia Muslims draw blood by flogging themselves with a whip called a zanjeer.
The participants were told that under-16s were barred from taking part under English law. But Zaidi allegedly told two boys, one 13 and the other 15, to flog themselves.
Both required hospital treatment, police were called and Zaidi was arrested.
Has a line been crossed in dhimmi England? This far and no further? We’ll see. We’ll see.
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I see in the linked article that the zanjeer, the whip, has chains with sharp blades attached. Imagine such a barabaric practice going on in the 21st Century!
Always On Watch, at 9:07 AM
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