Monday, August 18, 2008

Storm Track Infiltration: Muslims Desecrate Church in Brussels

This is what the Christian religion has come to in Europe. The Leftist have succeeded in turning Europe into their secular heaven and in the process propping up any attempts at reestablishing the Judeo-Christian Culture in Europe.

A Church used as a bathroom by Muslims.

The mostly Afghani illegals had occupied the church this past week. Alliet says that he usually agrees to such actions if they're prepared in advance, which wasn't the case here.

Alliet says he also feared that with the lack of toilets neighbors would put films on YouTube of the illegals using the church as a bathroom, as well as the resulting fights due to lack of mattresses and sleeping places.


The Brussels police ordered 300 asylum seekers and illegal immigrants to leave the Begijnhofkerk (Beguinage Church) in central Brussels on Saturday afternoon.

The priest of the Begijnhofkerk, Daniël Alliet, was the first to ask the so-called sans-papiers (people without legal documents to stay in Belgium) to leave the church.

The illegal immigrants staged a protest action to demand a legal permit to stay in the country but failed to organise the protest action properly, resulting in unhappiness among protesters.

Now we don’t want our illegal guests to be unhappy. Do we?

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