Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Women Betrayed By Their Doctors
It seems their religion comes first and their patient second. Young women fleeing forced marriages are being betrayed by GPs and benefits staff who "collude" with families to return them against their will.
Doctors and Job Centre workers are breaching confidentiality rules and passing on vital information to families, allowing them to trace and punish Asian women who are attempting to escape coerced marriages and "honour"-based domestic violence.
Commander Steve Allen, who is the spokesman on forced marriages for Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), revealed that some doctors have informed girls' families that they have asked for the contraceptive pill, placing them at risk from fathers or brothers who believe this means the family's honour has been besmirched.
Cmdr Allen also told The Sunday Telegraph that Job Centre workers have accessed the National Insurance details of women who flee violent husbands, tracing where they collect benefits and passing the details on to their families so they can be found and forced back to their marital home.
These doctors should be stripped of their licenses and thrown in jail.
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The UK today. The U.S. tomorrow?
Always On Watch, at 3:07 PM
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