Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Storm Track Intimidation: Murder - More From Those Moderate Muslims

For some Muslim fathers who have been ‘dishonored’ by their daughters, suffocation and dismemberment is not enough. The family itself must get involved – by spitting on the body.

Heard this on Fox New and found it at the Daily Mail.

An Iraqi teenage girl was brutally murdered by her father in an "honour killing" after she fell in love with a British soldier in Basra.

Seventeen-year-old Rand Abdel-Qader told her best friend how she had fallen for Paul, a 22-year-old she met at a charity where she worked as a volunteer.

When her father learned she had been seen speaking to a foreigner he rushed home and butchered her, strangling and stabbing her while screaming that he was "cleansing his honour".

Her funeral was done without any of the traditional mourning because she was deemed 'impure'. Her uncles were said to have spat on her body.

And what did the authorities do? What do you think?

He was arrested, but Iraqi police took no action. His wife has since left him and is in hiding.

No Shiite! I’d hide too.

Response from the feminists? Ahem. Response from the feminists? Hello? Any outrage from the feminists?


Those feminists sure love the religion of peace.

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:38 PM  

  • For the Feminazis, Rand Abdel-Qader (peace be upon her), she was breaking the code - she fell in love with a man, and not only a man, a soldier.
    If she had been shacked up with him, had a few abortions, they would all come out and she would be lobbied for and an Act of Parliament changed to make the soldier go to prison for racial-religious mixing.

    While the Islamnazis take out the innocent, they will be quiet. Lest young women like her see the light of day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 PM  

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