Friday, April 25, 2008

Storm Track Infiltration: Using Kafir Women for Islamic Domination

There is a well thought out plan created by the Islamo-fascists, or Islamists, to advance political Islam. That plan is being executed today and whose goal is the recreation of the Islamic Empire, re-establishing the Caliphate, and imposing Sharia law upon the non-Muslim world.

The non-violent Jihadist means of imposing Shariah law through intimidation, infiltration and disinformation in a society inflict a different sort of casualty - one to our traditions, cherished values and way of life. These types of Jihads are:

  • Cultural jihad
  • Economic jihad
  • Demographic jihad
  • Litigation jihad
  • Institutional jihad
  • Financial jihad
  • Media jihad.
  • Thugery jihad
  • Criminal jihad

All of which has the objective of imposing, one way or another, Shariah law on a society.

Here’s one form of demographic jihad. From Daniel Pipes.

One of the most painful aspects of Muslim demographic warfare is the open attempt by Muslims to grab non-Muslim girls to use them for their own demographic ambitions, meanwhile also inflicting a good dose of humiliation on the accursed kafirs. In Bangladesh and in Muslim-major­ity areas inside India, this often takes the form of simply kidnapping girls, or of threatening their families to marry them out to Muslims.

In the open market-place of the West and of westernized circles in India, it takes the form of normal courtship, with the limitation that in case of a Muslim girl befriending a non-Muslim, family pressure is used on her, or physical threats on him or on both, to stop the affair; since the same is much less likely to happen in the reverse case, the net result is a considerable traffic of non-Muslim girls into Muslim households.

For example, after summing up some discriminations imposed by the Muslim state and district authorities on the Buddhists of Kargil (in Jammu & Kashmir), representatives of the Ladakh Buddhist Association compla­in: "As if this is not enough, there is a deliberate and organised design to convert Kargil's Buddhists to Islam. In the last four years, about 50 girls and married women with children were allured and con­verted from village Wakha alone. If this continues unchecked, we fear that Buddhists will be wiped out from Kargil in the next two decades or so. Anyone objecting to such allurement and conversions is harassed."

And this type of demographic recruitment is not only in uneducated sectors of India. It’s also directed at the universities.

Radical Muslims are being accused of blackmailing young Hindu and Sikh women into changing religion in "groomed conversions" on campuses.

The men aggressively target vulnerable university students by using the fear of being dishonoured to force them to convert, community leaders have told The Times. Many befriend their victims, then threaten to tell their families that they are in a sexual relationship with a Muslim. Some teenagers are said to have been drugged and photographed in compromising positions.

Many comply because they are so afraid of shaming their parents or being rejected by their communities.

Police are aware of the problem. Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, recently attended a Hindu conference where the issue was raised. But police are powerless to act unless incidents are reported. This rarely happens because the stigma of a child converting to Islam often silences Sikh and Hindu parents.

For some hair raising facts about what it’s like to be married to a Muslim man, read Escape from an Arab Marriage by Cassandra.

He book includes her personal story and documented stories of other women who became involved with Arab/Muslim men who have come from the Middle East. The women in these stories have learned firsthand the truth of how women are thought of in Islamic societies—that 6th century traditional abuse and cruelty toward women, alive and well today, is still an everyday part of married life to an Arab/Muslim which includes abduction of any children to countries such as Saudi Arabia where they are forced to remain and where their heartbroken mothers can never see them again or bring them home.

Also included in this book is a list of Islamic characteristics of marriages to Arab/Muslim males and of premarital relationships virtually every woman who becomes involved with these individuals inevitably finds herself facing. Not only has Cassandra herself had to survive such an environment, every person whose story is in this book has been the victim of a nightmare relationships she did not realize could exist in real life—and that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Get a FREE TRIAL COPY of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook. And sign up for my free WEEKLY STORM REPORT and receive a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination.


  • I thank you for bringing these ideas to our attention and hope you will continue to pursue them. However, I feel the importance of "seduction jihad" is very small in contrast to the resulting backlash and negative news it would cause. A religion that tricks and deceives gullible young women would earn everyone's scorn, and rightly so. More and more people are seeing that Islam is not just another religion but a death/slavery cult that tries to impose thought control and information control on the world. This is increasingly difficult in the modern world when more and more people can surf the internet to gain every bit of news from around the globe. Moslems are becoming ashamed of their coreligionists Koran-inspired violence and wickedness and are quietly leaving Islam without any fanfare.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:04 AM  

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