Storm Track Disinformation: A Big Brouhaha in Denmark
The ad by the Danish People’s Party, the country’s third largest political force, showed a hand-drawn picture of the Islamic prophet under the slogan “Freedom of expression is Danish, censorship is not”. The ad was condemned as a “provocation” by at least one Danish-Muslim group, as Islam forbids representation of its most important prophet.
The Danish-Muslim group hit back.
Now Asmaa Abdol-Hamid, a Danish-Muslim politician who could become the first MP to wear the hijab in the Danish parliament if elected in next month's poll, has hit back with a poster showing a hand-drawn picture of the DPP leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, under the slogan "Freedom of expression is Danish, stupidity is not".
"It is ridiculous [of the DPP] to do that kind of thing," Ms Abdol-Hamid told Guardian Unlimited. "It's not clever, there is no point to it."
Oh really? How about this point? From the Mo-toon protests.
Or This?
I think there are more than enough grounds for cleverness, Ms Abdol-Hamid. What do you think?
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I wouldnt expect her to reply. Well maybe perhaps with taquiypa
Elric66, at 11:15 AM
Larry Houle
Islamo Fascism week gave tremendous creditability to Islam. It perpetuated the myth that Islam is a wonderful religion of peace and love that has been hi – jacked by a few bad apples of evil Islamo - Facsists.Islamic militants, jihadists, Wahhabism, radical Islam, Islamists. There has been no hijacking. These demented souls are following exactly the teachings of the Koran and in the footsteps of the Prophet - Muhammad.
The reality is that Osama bin Laden is a true Muslim – a holy man of the book who is following exactly the teachings of Islam as recorded in the Koran.
By not exposing the true nature of Islam, the speakers elevated Islam to an equal footing with Christianity and other world religions.
There was no discussion of :
The criminality of Muhammad that included everything from molesting a six year old girl to beheading captives, massacres, terror, owning slaves and raping them, looting and pillaging etc.
Slavery and raping slaves as Laws of God for all eternity
Looting as a Law of God and sharing 1/5 of the proceeds from looting and selling slaves with Allah and his Messenger.
Murdering Infidels as an Eternal Law of God.
The oppression and subrogation of women as Eternal Laws of God
An evil Paradise of big breasted, big eyed Hurs to be sexually molested for all eternity as a reward for those who slay and are slain in the service of God.
Does anyone truly believe that God would have as His Prophet for His one and only true religion a criminal – Muhammad and teachings of slavery, rape, murder etc. Is this a rational, reasonable human thought that God would be a criminal involved in these evil criminal acts.
Is it a rational, reasonable human thought that God would create a religion that allowed His followers (believers) in His one and only true religion to enslave the unbelievers, breed and sell them. Is this rational ? Is this reasonable?
Is it a rational human thought that God would create a religion that allowed His male followers (believers) in His one and only true religion to rape unbelievers and gang rape them. Is this rational ? Is this reasonable?
Is it a rational human thought that God would create a religion that allowed His followers (believers) in His one and only true religion to marry up to 4 women and His
Prophet to marry as many women as he desired and own and rape his slaves. Is this rational ? Is this reasonable?
Is it a rational human thought that God would create a religion were women are evil, vile creatures - ½ human beings. Is this rational ? Is this reasonable?
Is it a rational human thought that God would create a religion that allowed His followers (believers) in His one and only true religion to require His believers to share the booty gained from the looted property of the unbelievers and from the sale of slaves with God Himself. Is this rational ? Is this reasonable?
Is it a rational human thought that God would create a religion that allowed His followers (believers) in His one and only true religion to require His believers to murder unbelievers after giving them a warning to convert or pay a submission tax. Is this rational ? Is this reasonable?
We could go on and on.
The answer is absolutely not. It is not rational. It is not reasonable. There is no such criminal God.
Islam was the invention and creation of Muhammad. There was no Allah. The Koran is the teachings of Muhammad and not any God. By not exposing this truth of Islam, these speakers did us all a grave disservice. By perpetrating the myth of a hijacking, they granted Islam – legitimacy.
personalrep1, at 8:28 PM
Good for Denmark! The Islamofascists are the racist ones. They are against the Christian Race, and the Jewish Race and the Buddhist race and the Atheist race and the...
draw not Muhammad -
Islamic law can only
apply to Muslims...
Muslims not bound by Buddhist
Christian or Jewish doctrine
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
you have NO rights
to hate religions
that demand to convert you
absurd thought -
God of the Universe calls
for sick ideologies
that deny human rights
KILL adulterers and gays
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't learn about jihad
wanting to know or teach it
is RACIST say the WACKOS
Anonymous, at 4:51 PM
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