This Week on The Gathering Storm Radio Show
Friday, September 28: Our guest this week at the bottom of the hour is The Merry Widow of The Merry Widow blog, which presents a Christian view of events, near and far.
The Merry Widow will be discussing with us the North American Union, developments about which she has been following for some time. She will provide background on the NAU and will bring us up to date with the latest happenings occurring under the radar of most mainstream media sources.
And at the top of the hour, we will have Christine from Vigilant Freedom on to discuss the Laws of the Seas Treaty and why it's supporter's goal is nothing less than the establishment of world government at the expense of traditional sovereignty.
The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.
Callers welcome!
If you are unable to listen live to the radio show, you can listen to recordings of the radio broadcasts later by CLICKING HERE.
The call-in number again is (646) 915-9870. Converse with my co-host and I, chat with our guests or if you must, just air your spleen!
Great Show!
Rebel Radius, at 1:34 PM
Thanks for the forum, WC! I appreciated the chance to spread the bad news around! LOL!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
The Merry Widow, at 5:32 AM
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