Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Cabbies At It Again.
The global insurgency continues unabated. Last week in Australia.
Hmmm…How about What Do You Really Know About Islam is that Your Time is Up.
Two of the three discs feature Sheik Khalid Yasin, a US-born preacher who has visited
And here we go again. Muslims refusing to honor a contract with infidels and continue to play by their own rules.
A VTD spokesman said the DVD distribution would be investigated and strongly urged passengers to lodge complaints. "The directorate condemns any practices within taxi operations not associated with the core practice of providing a public transport option.
While not commenting officially, a senior Victoria Police officer told News Limited, drivers pushing the DVDs could incite trouble.
"With all the drunks and drug-affected people in and around the city - these sorts of DVDs could offend them and spark trouble."
Right. It’s those drunk and drug-affected infidel Aussies who will be blamed for any ‘trouble’.
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Muslims see contracts with infidels and Jews as of no consequence.
Always On Watch, at 6:14 AM
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