OK Kiddies. Listen up. The violent insurgency is upon Britain. The political insurgency of the Islamists has been going for some decades in the UK and has accomplished high levels of success. The British government and institutions and even the Church of England have fully submitted to dhimmitude. The end result - the next phase of UK capitulation – an Intifada.
And that’s the start of what we are seeing the terrorist attacks in the Britain today. How much will the common everyday British citizen, who thumbed their nose at the Nazi Blitz, take before their patience wear so thin that they take the necessary action on their own and why doesn’t the British government act?
The UK is already expecting further attacks in the current terrorist flap. If the Jihadists keep to role Britain can expect more of these attacks increasing in frequency.
So why not arrest the 2000 suspects that are on the radar screen now? Why not close down the mosques they attended if that mosque preached the slightest bit of hate? Why don’t the British citizens demand this modicum of action from their government?
Only time will tell. Quo Vadis, Great Britain?
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I really believe that this crap won't be stopped until British citizens take the law into their own hands.
KG, at 2:16 AM
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