Storm Track Disinformation: "9/11 Was a Wake-up Call for Young Muslims"
So said a 24-year-old Muslim program scheduler at a broadcasting company in
But instead of wailing against those who have hijacked her religion, she saw 9/11 as a wake-up call to her faith.
Some who wear the niqab, particularly younger women who have taken it up recently, concede that it is a frontal expression of Islamic identity, which they have embraced since Sept. 11, 2001, as a form of rebellion against the policies of the Blair government in Iraq and at home.
"For me it is not just a piece of clothing, it's an act of faith, it's solidarity," said a 24-year-old program scheduler at a broadcasting company in London, who would allow only her last name, Al Shaikh, to be printed, saying she wanted to protect her privacy. "9/11 was a wake-up call for young Muslims," she said.
Meanwhile even with blatant examples of Muslim beliefs as this, Europe and
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Wearing the niquab is a sign of rebellion against individuality. It is a sign of rebellion against equality for women. Wearing the niquab is a sign of rebellion against freedom. Makes no sense? Pay attention; Muslim women wear the veil as a sign of submission to the masculine authority that is at the heart of Islam. The wearing of the niquab is not required of ordinary women by the Holy Quran. The wearing if the niquab is required by devout Islamic men of all women in their community. That’s all there is to it. Men lording over women in the age old fashion. The ancient Muslim fashion that states a woman is worth half of a man. That is also in the Holy Quran and thus that is the ancient Islamic way. The wearing of the niquab is a sign of fear. That and the Islamic practice of al takiya. Which is also preached in the Holy Quran. What is al takiya? The practice sanctioned by the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) of dissembling or outright deceit towards all non-believers if it advances the cause of Islam. We can lie to non-muslims about anything if it helps convert you to Islam or force your submission to Islamic law. Allahu Akbar.
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM
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