Winds of War: Help Wanted – Jihadists Needed
Ever wonder how a budding jihadist fresh from his indoctrination in Islamism finds work after graduating? Then check out Jose Padilla’s al-Qaeda application form. That’s right. Like any other organization you have to fill out an app for Allah’s HR Department. From the Dinocrat.
Hmm. I didn’t see any check box for religious preference. I guess they assume the applicant is Muslim.
If you have never taken the opportunity to review an al-Qaeda job application form, you should check out Jose Padilla’s. It’s full of odd, sometimes entertaining, bits, which would be pretty funny if it weren’t for the annoying fact that these people want to kill us.
The questionnaire also asks “how much of the Quran did you memorize,” and “Under which sheikh did you study?” Most questions require an answer. “How is your security status in your country” is an optional question, however.
Hmm. I didn’t see any check box for religious preference. I guess they assume the applicant is Muslim.
Read THE GATHERING STORM eBook (with an Introduction by ex-terrorist Walid Shoebat) that contains 300 pages of hyperlinked information, pictures, cartoons and videos that details the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics Islamists are using to advance their goal of the Islamic rule of the world.
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