Thursday, April 05, 2007

Winds of War: Taking the Temperature of the War on Terror

Now that the Democrat controlled House Armed Services Committee has decided to stop using the term “global war on terror” and ‘a long war”, they have successfully completed their ‘heads in the sand’ approach to the global threat facing us by taking a page out of the Harry Potter books. The clash between the civilized world and the Islamists or Islamo-fascists or whatever you want to call them is now ‘The-War-That-Must-Not-Be-Named’

I have a way to cut through the confusion of naming wars if a war must be named and help the Democrats and liberals out of their dilemma.

Not that the ‘war on terror’ was the correct nomenclature for what we are fighting. Without beating a dead horse, which died years ago, terrorism is a tactic and a weapon – not a war. Our leadership has been unable to identify or at least bring themselves to admit who the enemy really is. That was bad enough. Now the Democrats refuse to mention the global war at all. Now military appropriations should be earmarked for the “war in Iraq”, the “war in Afghanistan”, “military operations in the horn of Africa”. All separate and distinct in the mind of the Democrats and with no attempt or understanding of how they are connected.

Let’s face it democrats and liberals can’t even bring themselves to say it’s a war at all rather seeing it as a global hunt for a band of crazed criminals intent on blowing up innocent people for some reason that liberals can’t fathom. Surely it can’t be for Islam. Islam is the religion of peace!

But back to naming wars. Up to about 60 years ago there was only one type of war - the Hot War. After the last global hot war (World War II) we were introduced to what was called a Cold War – the war between Capitalism and Marxism, Western democracy and Communist tyranny.

What kind of war are we fighting now? It’s not a cold one, nor a hot one in the traditional sense of the term. I define a hot war as one fighting directly – and on the ground and in enemy territory – to defeat those who are promoting, supporting and advancing the enemy’s ideology. Fighting only terrorists means the war would have no end. Only by eliminating and defeating the governments, organizations and individuals who support the enemy ideology that supports and drives the terrorists can we be victorious.

We’re not in just one but two wars – a Warm War and a Cool War. The Warm War, or an asymmetrical war, is one where both parties do not combat each other within the same 'time-frame', e.g. in cases of guerilla groups that attack the opponent by surprise and at unexpected locations – 9/11 is an example. The militant jihadists want us to fight this warm war and slowly bleed us of our troops, wealth and freedoms.

The Cool War is one where an enemy works to undermine the will of the enemy with intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics. It’s the war being waged against our very culture and its most valued principles in an attempt to make our culture submit to the Islamist ideology.

The weapon of choice for the insurgents of the Warm War is terrorism. The weapon of choice for the insurgents of the Cool War is the imposition of Shariah law. Both have the goal of the Islamic domination of the world.

The weapon of choice of the Cool War is a lot harder to defend against for the following reasons:

  • Political Correctness
  • Multiculturalism
  • Self-loathing of one’s culture – see Multiculturalism
  • Appeasement
  • Pacifism – see Appeasement

The Islamists have learned well from the experience of ethic groups in the Western world as John Andrews in World War III has stated.

To me, it was a perfect example of the success of Islamic strategy in the United States. They have purposely positioned themselves as a persecuted minority, wrapped in the cloak of religion and “Civil Rights”. The Islamists study us, game our system and are very successful.

The secularist Left believes that the current religious war doesn’t apply to them. The “convert or die” choice the Islamists would give them means nothing to them. They are so focused on their hatred of George Bush, they cannot see past domestic politics to recognize the threat that faces not only our Nation, but Western Civilization itself. The struggle could last a couple of generations. There’s no guarantee that Western Civilization will survive.

Over at the Counter Terrorism blog, Jeffrey Imm writes:

While the Jihadists and Islamists have no singular approach, the diverse factions of the enemy have a consistency in a long-term strategy towards imposing Sharia on an ever-expanding Islamist world or in establishing a caliphate. The ability of Jihadists and Islamists to focus on long-term, strategic planning is what the USA lacks in countering such challenges on a global basis, ranging from the more parochial objectives of Islamists in individual nations who seek to establish Islamist governments to the Al-Qaeda "20 year plan". Why has the United States government been so incapable of addressing this national blueprint and study group for addressing Jihadist and Islamist threat?

There are multiple problems here: Yet there has been no determination as to what the term "homeland security" even means in a larger sense other than a reaction to the 9/11 attacks, and certainly not as a component in a larger government blueprint regarding Jihad and global Islamism. Thus, there is no "homeland security" for the economy, culture, demographics, and dozens of other war components vital for winning the long term war.

I’ll repeat that because this is the gist of the problem - there is no "homeland security" for the economy, culture, demographics, and dozens of other war components vital for winning the long term war. In other words, there is no blueprint for action against the coordinated jihads of the Cool War against the non-Muslim and moderate Muslim world.

  • Litigation Jihad
  • Education Jihad
  • Cultural Jihad
  • Demographic Jihad,
  • Economic jihad
  • Institutional Jihad
  • Media jihad
  • Financial jihad
  • Criminal jihad
  • Thuggery Jihad.

A blueprint must be created to recognize and resist this drive by the Islamist ideology to make the non-Muslim world submit to Shariah law. Thus, our strategy is to defeat creeping Shariah law wherever we find it in non-Muslim and even moderate Muslim societies like Indonesia and Malaysia. Sharaih law should be looked at as weapon and outlawed by the civilized international community.

But instead, David Steinmann writes:

Unhappily, all signs in Western Europe point to an increasingly speedy decline in their ability to articulate and defend their cultures against an aggressive Islamic insistence on the Islamisization of those countries. America and Australia seem so far to have had the most success in resisting this encroachment but even here there is an endless supply of efforts by Muslims to change our culture to first accommodate their beliefs and religion and, although they don't often articulate it clearly, eventually change us into an Islamic society. In order to defend ourselves, we will have to understand two things: what our culture is and why it is worth defending; and that there really is a religious war going on around the globe right now, the intention of which is to Islamicize the world.

Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter books is the one referred to as “he-who-must-not-be-named” because of fears of his dark wizardry. For Democrats and Liberals it is out of fear of Muslim retribution.

But then again, perhaps if you dig deeper we may see a method to the Democrat’s madness. By separating each military operation into smaller and smaller parts, it would be easier to de-fund each part to meet their political agenda (fighting the imagined threat of human initiated global warming) not knowing that they are surrendering to an enemy that they ‘dare-not-name’ in worship of the deity of political correctness and multiculturalism that they ‘dare-not-antagonize.

Sign up for my free WEEKLY STORM REPORT and receive a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination.


  • WC,
    Outstanding post! You've outdone yourself with this one!

    A few weeks ago, I posted this question of the week, relating to the terminology "The War On Terror." I have problems with that as the name for this war, but it's better than "The No-Name War"!

    By Blogger Always On Watch, at 4:24 PM  

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