Thursday, February 15, 2007

Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Student Associations Gradually Introduce Shria Law

The Institutional jihad continues and the poor little dhimmis in the non-Muslim world haven’t a clue as to what happening to them, their institutions and their society. All you need is to have an Islamic student association on your campus and you let the camel’s nose of Sharia law into the tent.

Here’s another example of the jihads in their bag of stealth tactics. From the Islamic Threat blog.

All you need is a Muslim Student association on your campus and the demands for a change in 'non-Islamic' curriculum starts to appear. This is a lesson that a Canadian university has learned. Muslim Student Associations are implanted in campuses and their aim is to radicalize Muslim students who do not understand Sharia. The larger goal being making Sharia a part of everyday life in the western world. If you look at it in any other way then you are very mistaken.

This from The Gazette, a student campus newspaper in Canada.

A recent decision by Western’s visual arts department has left some Muslim students torn between their love for drawing and painting and their devotion to Islam. After making accommodations for students for several years, the visual arts department added a note to the bottom of nine course descriptions effective Sept. 1, 2005, indicating “some sessions may involve drawing from the nude (female or male) as a required component of the course.” Though the note was added a year and a half ago, some students are just starting to feel its effects and voice their concerns.

And what are the concerns?

One fourth-year Muslim student said until last year, she and some other students were allowed to negotiate alternatives with their professors, including drawing action figures and break-dancers. Not wanting to cause a fuss, she drew a female nude model in her first-year introductory course, but felt uncomfortable and regretted doing it afterwards. She spoke to Western’s Muslim chaplain, Munir El-Kassem, who advised she should not draw nudes as it isn’t permitted by Islam. ……………… El-Kassem said he was unaware of the policy change and would be prepared to formally challenge it. Hassan Ahmad, president of the Muslim Students’ Association, said he and the MSA would like to follow up the matter so Muslim students won’t have to deal with it in the future.

“The university shouldn’t make this black and white,” Ahmad said. “They should accept that they have a variety of people from a variety of different backgrounds. It’s not fair to just say, ‘this is how The West does things.’ You have to be tolerant of others’ traditions, because we have important traditions too.”

Now wait a minute. The university should reduce the value of their art degree (which features classes which can't be passed unless students complete nude drawings) for certain students to accommodate religion? Isn’t that one of the reasons Islamic culture is in such decline? The university degrees in Islamic nations focus primarily on teaching religion than on teaching facts or even preparing them for the 21st century employment challenges.

And now Canada has to give students a less that stellar education to accommodate – or more to the point – implement Sharia law?

This is not multicultural accommodation. What we have here is one of the non-violent forms of jihad – in this case institutional jihad - working towards the establishment of Shariah law in non-Muslim lands and they're unaware of their willing decent into dhimmitude.

I’m going to continue to drive this concept home and prove that violent jihad, otherwise known as terrorism or the misnamed ‘war on terror’, is but one piece of a comprehensive strategy to install the objective of the terrorists – Sharia law - using the non-violent jihads of media, institution, demographic, cultural, economic, litigation, criminal and thuggery jihad.

Sign up for my free WEEKLY STORM REPORT and receive a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination.


  • "This is not multicultural accommodation. What we have here is one of the non-violent forms of jihad – in this case institutional jihad - working towards the establishment of Shariah law in non-Muslim lands and they're unaware of their willing decent into dhimmitude.

    I’m going to continue to drive this concept home and prove that violent jihad, otherwise known as terrorism or the misnamed ‘war on terror’, is but one piece of a comprehensive strategy to install the objective of the terrorists – Sharia law - using the non-violent jihads of media, institution, demographic, cultural, economic, litigation, criminal and thuggery jihad."

    Well said !!

    I too, will not stand by and watch my freedom being eroded.

    By Blogger Rebel Radius, at 9:14 PM  

  • I like your approach to classifying and categorizing different kinds of jihad. That's quite useful. By giving it a name and allowing us to conceptualize, we can then recognize it when we see it. And, if we can recognize it, we can beat it.

    By Blogger Yankee Doodle, at 6:07 PM  

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