Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Storm Track Intimidation: A Week in the Life of the Islamist Intimidators

It’s been quite a week last week for the jihadists and their intimidation tactics on the non-Muslim world. But there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

We all know of the Muslim women who refused to remove her veil at the request of car rental company.

Now she is demanding another hearing.

HAMTRAMCK, Michigan (AP) - A Muslim woman who lost her small-claims case against a car rental company after she refused to remove her veil while testifying has been granted a new hearing. The decision came after Ginnnah Muhammad of Detroit wore a scarf and veil that covers her head and face, leaving only the eyes visible, during a court hearing.

Muhammad wanted to contest a rental car company's charge to repair a vehicle she said had been broken into by thieves. The judge told her he needed to see her face to determine her truthfulness, and gave her a choice: remove the covering while testifying or have the case dismissed. She kept it on, and the judge ordered her to pay the rental car company. Muhammad successfully argued that she shouldn't have been forced to choose between her religious beliefs and her case and has been granted a new hearing next month.

Here are others. A very busy week for Islamists.

Devoted Muslim Husband Jailed for Protecting Wife's Honor
PARIS (Reuters) - A French Muslim who attacked a male gynaecologist for examining his wife just after she had given birth, saying it was against Islam, has been jailed for six months by a Paris court. Fouad ben Moussa burst into the delivery room at a Paris hospital last November and shoved, slapped and insulted Dr Jean-Francois Oury as he examined the woman after a complicated birth, the prosecution said in court on Wednesday.

Chi-Coms Kowtow to Muslim Intolerance: No Pig Ads for China's Year ...
SHANGHAI -- Next month, China will ring in the Year of the Pig. Nestle SA planned to celebrate with TV ads featuring a smiling cartoon pig. "Happy new pig year," the ads said. This week, China Central Television, the national state-run TV network, banned Nestle's ad -- and all images and spoken references to the animal in commercials, including those tied to the Lunar New Year, China's biggest holiday. The intent: to avoid offending Muslims, who consider pigs unclean. "China is a multiethnic country," the network's ad department said in a notice sent to ad agencies late Tuesday. "To show respect to Islam, and upon guidance from higher levels of the government, CCTV will keep any 'pig' images off the TV screen."

Montreal man refuses religious divorce to Muslim wife he stabbed
MONTREAL (CP) - The Crown says a Montreal man's refusal to grant his Muslim wife a Shariah divorce should be considered an aggravating factor when he is sentenced Friday for stabbing her and their baby daughter. Other than that, there is nothing the courts can do for the woman, whose husband pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated assault to avoid attempted murder charges. That, say advocates, is the problem with the refusal to recognize Shariah law in the Canadian judicial system.

Muslim protests, as Madhya Pradesh students salute Sun God
Bhopal/Indore, Jan 25 (ANI): Thousands of school children did the Surya Namaskar, a salutation to the Sun God, in Madhya Pradesh on Thursday amid protests by Muslim organisations. Undeterred by the protests, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan announced, ""We are going to include Yoga in the physical training curriculum in schools as it keeps both mind and body healthy. We'll help all the organisations that are working towards the promotion of yoga and also take their help in popularizing it in schools. We'll also award those who do exceptionally well in this field." Several Muslim organisations, however, protested the move, saying it was essentially a form of sun worship, something against the tenets of Islam. "By implementing Surya Namaskar, the government is trying to promote one particular religion. Other religions are being ignored. We are demonstrating to register our protest, " said Arif Masood, a protester.

Leading Arab American and Muslim American Advocacy Organizations Take Action Over ABC's Decision to Hire Glenn Beck
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Three leading Arab and Muslim American advocacy organizations have joined together to take action and voice their opposition over the decision of ABC's "Good Morning America" to hire Glenn Beck. The executive leadership of the Arab American Institute (AAI), American- Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) sent a letter to ABC/Disney expressing dismay and requesting a meeting to discuss their concerns. They have also each launched membership action campaigns, through which supporters have been calling and emailing ABC News to express dismay over "Good Morning America's" decision. During his tenure at CNN Headline News and as a talk-radio host, Beck has demonstrated an obvious anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudice in his broadcasts through threats and blatantly inaccurate statements. "[Glenn Beck's] addition to 'Good Morning America' would disseminate is prejudiced, openly-hostile and ignorant commentary to an even broader national audience, and diminish the credibility of your reputable and highly-rated news show," said the organizations' letter to ABC/Disney. "To provide a platform for his hateful speech is dangerous and irresponsible, and we strongly and urgently implore you to reconsider this move."

Muslim fans seek space for prayer
EVANSTON,IL– Devout Muslim fans at Northwestern University are asking the authorities to set aside a secluded space for the prayers or to grant them permission to come and go from the arena before the buzzer. Currently, the students try to play below the bleachers even as the game continues. School authorities say that while they value diversity, they are not yet ready to make an exception for the Muslim fans. The school’s athletic director will meet with Muslim student leaders to sort out the issue. Ruediger Seesemann, an associate professor of Islamic studies at Northwestern, said academic institutions have a responsibility to encourage spiritual formation. “These Muslim students want to integrate their Muslim identity with their identity as college students,” he said. “Why not let them bring their prayer rugs, let them pray and let them enjoy the basketball game?”

But there is hope for us infidels who want action taken against creeping Shariah law and it may start in Quebec.

The Quebec village of Hérouxville, 1300 inhabitants, has formally banned this week the stoning of women, face veils, female genital mutilation, or throwing acid at unveiled women's faces, reports Montreal daily La Presse. The nature of the Hérouxville bans suggests however that local politicians had Quebec Muslims in mind, though not a single Muslim or member of any religious or ethnic minority calls Hérouxville home. But referring to Quebec's policy of encouraging immigrants to settle outside Montreal, Drouin says it was important to inform potential immigrants of the villages cultural norms: "We must ensure that people who come here want to live as we do", he told La Presse, "The Muslims who wanted to impose Sharia, had they known that we do not stone women here, maybe they would not have come". Along with the bans, the Hérouxville document states that Christmas trees are a Quebec tradition, that swimming pools are mixed, and that pork meat and beef are displayed on the same shelves. Asked whether he fears being labeled a racist, Drouin answers: "We are not racists, we are explaining our culture".

Give That man a Cigar!

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  • I love that last one! Anti-dhimmitude! Gives me a ray of hope that not all is lost.

    About that second item....Why do Muslims think that they can endanger their wives lives by trying to enforce some nonsensical, legalistic barbaric code? Oh, never mind. Women are chattel to them.

    I'm glad to see that a French (French???) court has slammed that pig into the slammer for six months.

    Day by day, I get angry with the leftwing feminists, who have a hypocritical double standard. ARRRRGGGGHHHH!

    By Blogger Always On Watch, at 5:36 PM  

  • More Quebec villages set to emulate Herouxville's example; ethnic and religious grievance lobby groups agitate for Herouxville to back down: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070130.wxtown31/BNStory/National/home

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:29 PM  

  • It's amazing that people who "formally banned this week the stoning of women, face veils, female genital mutilation, or throwing acid at unveiled women's faces" and refuse to have their swimming pools segregated have to defend themselves by saying "We are not racists".

    "Day by day, I get angry with the leftwing feminists, who have a hypocritical double standard. ARRRRGGGGHHHH!"

    They don't give a damn about the plight of women other than THEMSELVES. It's about power; what bothers them is that people have had it over them, and now they want it over somebody. They are no different from the chauvinists they hate, except that the chauvinists they hate are 1) more honest and sincere, and 2) more open-minded!

    It's communism all over again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:57 AM  

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for the link - I'll post on that today.


    By Blogger WC, at 6:56 AM  

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