Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Storm Track Intimidation: The Litigation Jihad

The bag of non-violent tactics used by the jihadists is deep indeed. Over the last few decades they have perfected a series of effective Jihads against the non-Muslim world while it slumbered in its political correct dream world. There are many Jihads the Islamists use and they all support their ultimate goal – an Islamic world ruled by Shari Law. Here they are:

  • Education Jihad
  • Cultural Jihad
  • Demographic Jihad,
  • Economic jihad
  • Institutional Jihad
  • Media jihad
  • Financial jihad
  • Criminal jihad
  • Thuggery Jihad.

and their most effective tool of intimidation – the Litigation Jihad.

The litigation jihad has been a helpful tool in checking a proper response of the non-Muslim and advancing the objectives of subjugating the world to the will of Islam. It is an insidious tool because the Islamists have learned well its effectiveness by watching the non-Muslim world more and more fold under their legal intimidation as a result of our pacifism, self-hatred and complacency.

Here are some examples.

  • Dr. Paul Williams is being sued by McMaster University for investigating terrorist activity at McMaster, in an attempt to stop Dr. Williams' investigation.
  • Atlas Shrugs reports “Rachel Ehrenfeld is one of the daring truth tellers that the Islamists want to shut up and shut down. She is the preeminent scholar on the tracking of Islamic terror funding. Like CAIR, the Saudis use the legal system to bankrupt and harass scholars, journalists etc. Steve Emerson is being sued as well (along with Charles Jacobs of the David Project) by the Islamic Society of Boston here and here

But this one cuts the cake.

Danny Nalliah and Daniel Scott are pastors who live in Australia. They are now being drug through the Australian court system due to charges brought against them by the Islamic Council of Victoria. The charges? Vilification of Muslims under Australia's Victorian Religious and Racial Tolerance Act of 2002.

So what did these hate mongers do?

Danny and Daniel were hosting a seminar about the similarities between Christianity and Islam when they began reading passages from the Koran to aid in their speech. Danny and Daniel, the evil Islam-haters, were found to have only made two errors in their speech.

1. He gave the wrong birthrate for Muslims in Australia.

2. He failed to quote a verse that showed Allah was merciful.

This is costing these men $150,000 in court fees!

But even if we win, the Islamists extract their pound of flesh. Debbie Schlussel sites one example.

Remember the frivolous lawsuit against America, filed just a month ago by the Islamofascist American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)? The group tried to soak U.S. taxpayers in court on behalf of Hezbollah supporting "Americans" in Lebanon . . . after they already soaked U.S. taxpayers to evacuate those Hezbollah-loving "Americans" from Lebanon. Yesterday, the absurd lawsuit was dropped, to--surprise! surprise!--hardly a peep compared to the media fanfare surrounding the filing of this prime example of lawsuit abuse.

But regardless of the withdrawal of this suit, U.S. taxpayers have been soaked ad absurdum over the whole Lebanon thing, started by terrorist group Hezbollah.

U.S. taxpayers paid to fly these terror-sympathizers into the U.S.--many for the first time ever to set foot on our shores. And probably for the last time to ever be seen again--likely to disappear into the great American abyss free of Immigration and Customs Enforcement hassles. Sources from the Federal Air Marshals Service also inform that they had at least 12 Federal Air Marshals on each flight going out of Cyprus--out of fear by the U.S. Government that these ungrateful Hezbo supporters would try to hijack the planes on the way here. For all of that, we got sued by the ADC and a ACLU NSA plaintiff.

Litigation jihad is turning our justice system on its head in service to multiculturalism and political correctness. To quote Robert Spencer:

"The free world is under assault everywhere from the forces of jihad, working from the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and notably the words and deeds of Muhammad. Yet in America and the West, taking note of these rather obvious facts only brings one opprobrium, if the chattering classes deign to take notice at all: one is compelled in the mainstream of public discourse to deny the obvious. Everyone is busy tossing away common sense, reason, and basic powers of observation."

Litigation jihad is one weapon – and an effective weapon – in neutralizing our cultural defense mechanism which needs to be finely honed to defeat the Islamists and their plan for world domination.

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