Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Storm Track Intimidation: Don’t Say I’m Violent Because I’ll Attack You

Denmark has several organizations working to stop the Islamists. One of the newest and most active is the SIAD, which roughly translates in English to “Stop the Islamification of Denmark.” SIAD is made up of ordinary Danes with a peaceful and democratic message to all. Yet the Danish Minister for Justice, Lene Espersen, is denying them the right to publicly and peacefully go out and demonstrate, for fear that they will “create a public disorder” by being attacked by Islamist and leftwing groups.

Yes, you read that right. SIAD is prohibited from peacefully demonstrating because it will cause a violent reaction from others.

Espersen has declared “emergency laws” against SIAD, since courts have upheld their right to protest. On January 13, a peaceful SIAD meeting (not a protest) was broken up by Islamist and leftist gangs. Three SIAD members were hurt. What on earth is going on in Denmark? You can’t voice your opinion peacefully because it will promote violence from a group that you are saying is violent.

Has Danish cheese given Danes mush for brains?

And what about Canada? They too seem to be going over the deep end. Free speech is now a ‘Hate Crime’ in Canada.

An ex-terrorist, now converted to Christianity, tries to speak against violence in Islam in a neighborhood church – and is silenced by pressure from the mainstream media and local Islamist organizations, and may be prosecuted for a “hate crime.” Lebanon-native Zachariah Anani was a self-admitted terrorist before converting to Christianity. His first lecture given on January 11 at the small Campbell Baptist Church in Windsor, Canada stated that Islamic doctrine advocates violence against non-believers, especially Christians and Jews.

Anani’s second lecture, “Could Jihad Be Coming to Your Neighborhood?” was cancelled after pressure from the media, which also focused on Anani’s citizenship and harsh criticism of the sponsor of the lectures, Pastor Donald McKay. McKay spoke instead to a capacity crowd, speaking in defense of Canadian liberties and freedoms and promising to "jealously guard these things from being overtaken, from being overthrown."

On January 25, Anani is scheduled to give the third speech in the series, “Why the Islamic Faith is Indefensible.” But he may not get a chance. Members of the Windsor Islamic Association have filed a formal complaint with the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has sent letters to Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant asking for a prompt investigation into Anani's lectures under Canada's hate crimes legislation.

Support Pastor McKay and Zachariah Anani in their efforts to speak the truth. Write to Attorney General Michael Bryant, asking for him to NOT cave in to CAIR-CAN's oppressive intentions. And you might drop a line to Pastor McKay telling him of your support for his brave stand for human rights and freedom of speech.

For general telephone inquiries, call the Ministry of the Attorney General at:

Telephone: (416) 326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901
Fax: (416) 326-4007

Ministry of the Attorney General
McMurtry-Scott Building
720 Bay Street, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5G 2K1

Pastor Donald McKay
Campbell Baptist Church
411 King
Windsor Canada

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  • "Yet the Danish Minister for Justice, Lene Espersen, is denying them the right to publicly and peacefully go out and demonstrate, for fear that they will 'create a public disorder' by being attacked by Islamist and leftwing groups."

    "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
    Benjamin Franklin

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:07 PM  

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