Enemy Mine: Our Societal Weakness is Our Enemy’s Strength
There’s been much talk of Mark Steyn’s new book America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It and his warning of the use of demographic jihad against the non-Muslim world. But there is another warning he gives in his book that has gone, so far, unnoticed – at least until now.
Charles Colson reviews another side of Steyn’e book not widely reported – what we have lost by what we have gained from becoming too much of a secular society.
As Steyn sees it, one major reason the Islamo-fascists hate us is not that our beliefs are inimical to theirs, but that more and more of us believe in nothing at all beyond self-indulgence. And they look down on us for this but they are also learning how to use it to their advantage. Observing the rapid growth of radical Islam in
Steyn says that Secularists in Europe - and in
"One reason why the developed world has a difficult job grappling with the Islamist threat is that it doesn't take religion seriously. It condescends to it." That condescension makes secularists unable to see what's going on right under their noses. It's similar to the situation that's been going on in our prisons for years now, which I've talked about several times on "BreakPoint." Prisoners all share one thing: a need for something to fill the emptiness in their lives. We have seen this in the thousands of prisons we work in. Radical Islamists know this, and they have made a point of targeting prisoners for conversion. Their brand of religion offers people that sense of belonging, of something worth living and dying for, that people need - the very thing that postmodern secular societies do not offer. And that's a big part of what makes radical Islam so dangerous.
As Steyn put it in a recent interview for our "BreakPoint" website, "Islam is a weak enemy, and its strength is determined by what it's pushing against." The problem is that Europe and, increasingly,
Islam feels threatened by Western culture and believes with all its heart that the society it sees is decadent, immoral, even depraved and corrupt and a threat to its very survival. And they are correct.
If we don’t stand up for our Judeo-Christian mores and morals, the secularists will stand up for nothing except ‘do your own thing’, ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’, ‘all cultures are equal’, there is no such thing as black and white, good and evil – only shades of grey. That is, if you believe in everything, you believe in nothing. If we believe all things are relative and equal and that personal rights prevails over personal responsibilities, then we are ripe for an aggressive absolutist ideology to overwhelm us.
The greatest offense against an aggressive absolutist ideology like Islam is a strong, absolute belief in our Judeo-Christian culture.
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A couple of points that just amaze me:
1) The "left" has beaten on conservative social values and religious beliefs so much, that now much of society is empty. Since much of society is empty, it is vulnerable to something that appears to be a conservative religious belief. And, in its infinite hypocrisy, the "left", which was so hot about criticizing Judeo-Christian beliefs, sees nothing wrong with Islam.
It's similar to another problem the "left has created.
2) In Sweden, the "left" so beat on traditional values, telling people that they should have fewer kids, that it finally happened: people have been having fewer kids. Now they discover a shortage of younger people in the workforce, so they have to import them.
The blame for most of the problems in the West today should get dumped right in the lap of the "left", because that's where it belongs.
Further proof in my eyes that Christianity is the true religion is found by the fact that it is under attack from so many different directions.
Great job, WC.
Let's not get disheartened. Much of the damage that the "left" has done to our society, and that makes our society vulnerable to Islam, will also surprisingly turn out to be strengths in confronting radical Islam.
"Nothing is more difficult than the art of maneuver. What is difficult about maneuver is to make the devious route the most direct, and to turn misfortune to advantage."
Sun Tzu
Anonymous, at 5:01 PM
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