Storm Track Intimidation: Did the Islamic Reformation Already Happen?
A recent post at IBA, “The Thud Heard Round the World” by Atlas Shrugs brings up a worrisome idea. Do the Islamists smell blood in the water? Look at the recent aggressive actions by Islamists over the last few weeks and the think about how the aggressiveness has increased logarithmically over the last few decades.
Muslims, driven on by the Islamist agenda are flexing their muscles and intimidating the non-Muslim world more and more to accommodate to them. At the same time declaring that non-Muslims are intolerant when they react negatively to the intimidation here and here, while smiling when non-Muslims resign themselves to dhimmitude.
It seems tolerance goes only one way. How tolerant of the fears of passengers where the six imams who were removed from the flight because they stood up and made a very public display of their nightly prayers? Where was the sensitivity to those on the plan who saw a Muslim praying and feared it was in preparation to kill himself – and everyone around him? And how tolerant was the Muslim lawmaker who ranted and raved at a waiter in Manila and had him fired?
The apologists for this rude and intolerant behavior hope that moderate Muslims can rein in their errant brothers and sisters and that a reformation of Islam is the answer. Many on the right also see this reformation as necessary and, if an when it ever happens, we may have peace between Islam and the non-Muslim world. I and others have written about the need for an Islamic Reformation.
But what if it already happened?
Militant jihad is just one of tactics used by the Islamists to advance their agenda. Islamic Ideological Jihad in the form of cultural jihad is a potent weapon against the non-Muslim world.
Everyone who has been paying attention to the progression of Islamic ideological jihad being waged against the West over the last two decades should not be surprised at the response by CAIR, Islamic leaders, and of course, the media to this event. Mark my words: the plight of the Muslim leaders aboard U.S. Air Flight 300 will be a defining moment in the asymmetrical war in which we are engaged – a water shed event for the tactic of the insidiously effective tool known as Islamic ideological jihad. Expect the fallout from this event to be wide and deep, with the liberally biased media carrying the torch of “Islamophobia” to new heights…….. The tactic here, whether intentional or as a consequence of the “outrage,” will serve to shift the focus away from the threat posed by Islamic terrorism to the unfair treatment of Muslims. In wartime, (and we are at war, whether you believe it or not) this shift of focus will provide those having evil intentions against the United States to operate in a less constricted manner. Whether you believe that this is the intention by those registering objections and outrage, it will nonetheless be the result.
This ideological jihad has its roots in the Muslim Brotherhood and the “project’ that they have been pursuing for almost 100 years. Could this be the reason for the regression of Islam over that few generations? Could it be that this was the Islamic reformation? As Mark Steyn said in his new book America Alone, "We... talk airily about 'reforming' Islam. But what if the reform has already taken place, and jihadism is it?"
The Catholic Church had it reformation and it produced Protestant-ism. The Islamic reformation started by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters produced Islam-ism.
This would not be as much of a problem if we got them OUT. Why are we still putting up with this B.S.?
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM
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