Saturday, January 19, 2008

Winds Of War: The Sleeper Awakes?

My self and other bloggers have written about one of the main threats to our freedoms and a primary tactic of the Islamists – radical mosques.

The non-Muslim world has enough proof that a very large number of Saudi funded mosques in the non-Muslim world preach the hate ideology of Wahabism , yet, outside of reporting these radical mosques and their traitorous activities, little is being done to actually curb the threat to our way or life.

But that’s changing. Hat Tip to Sons of Pigs & Apes.

Far-right groups in Europe are calling for a ban on the building of new mosques as part of a new campaign to stop the spread of radical Islam in Europe. They’re doing it by launching a Charter to 'fight the Islamisation of West-European cities'.

"We are not opposed to freedom of religion but we don't want Muslims to impose their way of life and traditions over here because much of it is not compatible with our way of life," Vlaams Belang's Filip Dewinter told Radio Netherlands Worldwide. "We can't accept headscarves in our schools, forced marriages and the ritual slaughter of animals."

The groups understand that mosques can "act as catalysts for the Islamisation of entire neighborhoods," pointing to the establishment of over 60,000 mosques Europe. Mosques are a political tool of the Islamists to infiltrate a society and act as command and control centers for the spread of their political ideology.

"We already have over 6,000 mosques in Europe, which are not only a place to worship but also a symbol of radicalisation, some financed by extreme groups in Saudi Arabia or Iran," Mr Dewinter explained, citing a large new mosque being built in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam. "Its minarets are six floors high, higher than the illuminations of the Feyenoord soccer stadium!" he cried. "These kinds of symbols have to stop."

Of course, not all Islamisation opponents have taken this position on the Charter.

Aside from Austria's Freedom Party (FPö), there was a notable absence of other political heavyweights during the press conference in the Flemish city of Antwerp. A spokesman for Italy's Allianza Nazionale said he was unaware of the Charter, though his party too was looking at the issue of the new mosques. Dutch right-wing maverick politician Geert Wilders, who is currently producing a film about the danger of the Koran, also stayed away.

But Mr Dewinter seems unruffled by the paltry political support: "This movement may be small today but I am convinced it will grow into something major."

Response from the Muslim community was as expected.

"Mosques are places where we preach peace," said Fatimah, a student in her early twenties. "Everyone has the right to have a space to pray and be spiritual. Catholics have churches, Jews synagogues, we have mosques. This is what helps us feel part of this country, not separate from it."

If mosques are so important to your practice of your religion Fatimah, we ask this question - AGAIN! Why don’t Muslims turn in those mosques and their imams who preach the ideology of Wahabism?

If they don’t want to see such an extreme responses to this practice like that from the Charter spread further then it’s time for Muslims to clean house.

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  • Hearing the call - five times a day, as we do - and very loudly / strongly on Friday is just more incentive for me to learn what is being said about us!!! So far my basic skills in arabic are limited to hello, how are you, teacher, pilot, doctor, airport, book and chair. Incredibly helpful. Will buy a Rosetta Stone language teacher when I am in the States, next.

    By Blogger Sabra, at 2:26 AM  

  • There is no such thing as "radical" Islam. Islam is Islam

    By Blogger Elric66, at 5:21 AM  

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