Saturday, April 14, 2007

Storm Track Appeasement: Appeasers, Apologists and Cowards Strut Their Stuff for Jihadists

It was a busy week for appeasers, apologists and cowards who tirelessly find way to act as the Islamists’ useful idiots and undermine our country.

First we have the latest appeasement.

Stanford University will bar the media and general public from hearing the three ex-terrorists Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani because – now get this – the University says their appearance "will be restricted to allow a free exchange of ideas" !!!

That’s right. According to one of the highest educational institutions of the land, they equate restrictions with free speech.

Megan Reiss, one of the college students helping to organize the event complains; "Stanford University Administration has gone out of their way to make the staging of this event as difficult as possible, and it has been a most frustrating experience. It seems there is a double standard in which the outside public and press have not been barred on other events where speakers openly support terror organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah and even Al Qaeda."

Next we have the apologist. And this lunacy is better than Stanford’s. Jihad Watch reports on a therapy plan for Terrorist suspects.

Psychological counseling and anger management. Of course! Why didn't anyone think of this before? This will solve that nasty old jihad problem in a jiffy! Poor dears -- they just have low self-esteem! The jihad ideology? What's that? From The Courier-Mail.

Terror suspects could be given taxpayer-funded counseling for being angry or having low self-esteem. Under the proposal, the Federal Government would provide psychological counseling and anger management support to terror suspects and those subject to control orders. But secrecy surrounds the initiative because the Australian Federal Police has refused to reveal the specifics of its proposal.

Scant details were released through a Federal Government question on notice.

"Some of the options considered include religious education, psychological support and assistance with issues such as anger management, low self-esteem, social identity and family separation," the AFP said, responding to a question on voluntary education programs for terrorists.

Finally we have our cowards.

The producer of a tax-financed documentary on Islamic extremism claims his film has been dropped for political reasons from a television series that airs next week on more than 300 PBS stations nationwide. Key portions of the documentary focus on Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser of Phoenix and his American Islamic Forum for Democracy, a non-profit organization of Muslim Americans who advocate patriotism, constitutional democracy and a separation of church and state.

Burke wrote that his documentary depicts the plight of moderate Muslims who are silenced by Islamic extremists, adding, “Now it appears to be PBS and CPB who are silencing them.

And of course you know why. Fear of a jihadist response to their precious cowardly skins.

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  • "Terror suspects could be given taxpayer-funded counseling for being angry or having low self-esteem. Under the proposal, the Federal Government would provide psychological counseling and anger management support to terror suspects and those subject to control orders."

    Hey, maybe it can switch them from antisocial psychopaths to socialist psychopaths. Sure they would be on the dole forever but they would be less likely to bomb government offices. And in the end, isn't that where we are all going to be working?

    By Blogger Snake Oil Baron, at 8:29 PM  

  • BAGHDAD: Iraq's government is holding talks with some insurgent groups, including members of Saddam Hussein's former regime, as part of a reconciliation plan to stop violence, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Tuesday.

    --AP April 17 2007

    Just who is appeasing who, numbnuts?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:13 AM  

  • Politics makes starnge bedfellows, numbnuts.

    By Blogger WC, at 8:00 AM  

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